Ricardo Amorín
Ricardo Amorín
I am an observational astrophysicist with a great interest in the broad field of galaxy formation and evolution.
Currently, I live with my wife Luciana and son Santiago in the beautiful andalusian city of Granada (Spain), where I work as a CONSOLIDER-GTC post-doctoral researcher at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC).
Information about my research interests and projects, CV, and scientific publications can be found in the above links. Please, feel free to contact me at the following e-mail address: amorin@iaa.es
Welcome to my home page !
I have participated in the EAST-EMIR meeting in the IAC Headquarters (La Laguna, Spain) (Dec 2012)
I have participated in the V CONSOLIDER-GTC meeting, held in La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain) (Oct 2012)
New paper on the gas kinematics in low-metallicity starbursts is now published in ApJ Letters (Aug 2012)
First paper of the AVOCADO project is now submitted to A&A (July 2012)
First paper on “Green Pea” galaxies using GTC-OSIRIS data is now published in ApJ (April 2012)