SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL FILLING GUIDELINES ISSUED AT IAP MEETING  (this page updated by ES.Enrique 20030922@12:00)
READ THE MINUTES: day1 and day2       (DK PowerPoint presentation)
DEFINITIONS: (see more definitions in Guide For Submission section of day1 minutes)
RTN Nodes: are INSTITUTIONS that will have some sort or other of economic responsibility in the RTN (see minutes).

Scientific Teams: Lead by a Team Leader, these are participating groups per location contributing to research and/or training, whether or not they have economic responsibilities in the RTN.

e.g.: France will be just a single node (the Institution is CNRS), but it will have a few science teams: IAP, Meudon, Strassbourg, Marseille, CEA, ...
MAIN LINES OF RESEARCH:  You are advised to contact the Science Leader of the line you want to contribute.  

These are the priority areas and their coordinators (Science Leaders) decided during the meeting. There are 12 (coloured) in total, grouped in 4 areas:

3 October

17 October

Science Leaders

 B 1.2

 B 1.5
 B 1.3

 B 2.3
 B 1.4

 B 3.2

 B 3.3

Team Leaders

 B 2.1

 B 3.2
 B 3.1

 B 3.3
 B 4.3


DK - RdG - EP

 B 4.1

 B 4.2

 B 5  to B 9


Please note that the proposal will be submitted electronically.
Part A forms need to be filled in directly in the Word .doc format.
Part B documents in LaTeX (use the plain LaTeX format file here).

Part A   (This is the easy part)
A.1. Daniel Kunth + everyone (abstract)
A.2. Each Team
A.4. Daniel Kunth, Richard de Grijs & Enrique Pérez
Part B  (The substance goes here)
B.1. Science Quality
B.1.1. Reseach topic (1 page)
B.1.2. Project Objectives (3 p)
B.1.3. Sc. Originality (2 p)
B.1.4. Research Method (2 p)
B.1.5. Work Plan (2 p + tables & chart)
B.2. Training &/or Transfer of Knowledge
B.2.1. Content and quality of training & transfer of knowledge (3 p)
B.2.2. Impact (2 p)
B.2.3. Planned Recruitment (PhD, Postdocs)
B.3. Quality/Capacity of Network Membership
B.3.1. Collective experience of teams
B.3.2. Intensity and quality of networking (1 page)
B.3.3. Relevance of parthering composition (1 page)
B.4. Management and feasibility
B.4.1. Proposed management & org structure (2 pages)
B.4.2. Know-how of networking coordination (1 p)
B.4.3. Know-how of networking teams
B.5. Relevance
B.6. Added value
B.7. Financial
B.8. Previous
B.9. Other

U P D A T I N G . . .