R.A. = 11:59:32.07, Dec. = +29:14:42.0 (2000)
z = 0.729
MAPCAT suggested stars: B C D
GASP suggested stars:1 2 3 4
Comparison stars
Star |
U |
B |
V |
R |
I |
1 |
14.01 (0.06) |
13.39 (0.05) |
13.01 (0.02)
2 |
16.17 (0.11) |
16.01 (0.06) |
15.38 (0.05) |
15.00 (0.02)
14.605 (0.007) |
3 |
16.38 (0.13) |
16.44 (0.04) |
15.91 (0.04) |
15.54 (0.02)
15.075 (0.034) |
17.07 (0.14)
17.15 (0.05)
16.60 (0.04)
16.28 (0.02)
15.862 (0.021)
B |
16.42 (0.02) |
C |
17.11 (0.02) |
D |
17.14 (0.02) |
stars from Raiteri C.M. et al., 1998, A&AS 130,
U data from Smith P.S. et al., 1985, AJ 90, 1184
I data from González-Pérez J.N., Kidger
M.R. & Martín-Luis F., 2001, AJ 122, 2055
R mags of stars B, C and D were determined from the R mags of stars 1, 2, 3 and 4 by Raiteri et al. (1998) from 7 observations
during 2006-2008 (Jorstad, S. G., 2009, private communication)
Field of view is 10'x10'