MIMA Quick Data proccessing¶
This document walks through MIMA basic data processing features and how to setup the software to run the processing.
First, let see some feautures of the software.
FITS Data Format¶
The data produced by MIMA is stored in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) file standard as a 2D image, and according to FITS standard (v4.0, 2018). For Python implementation of FITS file saving and reading, MCS uses the package Astropy FITS.
The FITS file is compound of a single HDU. An HDU (Header Data Unit) is the highest level component of the FITS file structure, consisting of a header and (typically) a data array or table. In our case, the HDU consists of a header and a 2D data array.
The header is compound of the next list pairs (keyword, value):
SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard
BITPIX = 16 / array data type
NAXIS = 2 / number of array dimensions
NAXIS1 = 1024
NAXIS2 = 1024
DATE = '2020-06-26T13:52:16.437023' / date of file creation
AUTHOR = 'MCS ' / author of the data
FILENAME= '20200626-135216.fits' / name of the file
DATE-OBS= '2020-06-26T13:48:39.276186' / [d] UT-date exposure started
EXPTIME = 200.0 / exposure time in seconds
IMAGETYP= 'light ' / Image type
READMODE= 'ReadoutSpeed._1MHz_LN' / Readout speed mode
SHUTTER = 'ShutterStatus.LEAVE_AS_IS' / Requested shutter state
INSTRUME= 'Fake Cameras Inc.' / Name of instrument
CCD = 'Fake CCDs Inc.' / CCD Model
CCD_DIMX= 1024 / CCD X Dimension Size
CCD_DIMY= 1024 / CCD Y Dimension Size
CCDPXSZX= 24 / CCD X Pixel Size [micrometer]
CCDPXSZY= 24 / CCD Y Pixel Size [micrometer]
CCD-TEMP= -20.08724568677194 / CCD Temperature at Exposure Start [deg. C]
CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / CCD on-chip summing
SITE = 'OSN ' / Site name (in config)
OBSGEO-B= 37.06416 / [deg] Site latitude (=North+)
OBSGEO-L= -3.38472 / [deg] Site longitude (=East+)
OBSGEO-H= 2900.0 / [m] Site altitude
SUN-ELE = 65.27387295747029 / [degree] Sun obs. elevation [-90,90]
MOON-ELE= 41.21638152022859 / [degree] Moon obs. elevation [-90,90]
MOON-PHA= 0.3040238530830346 / Moon illumination [0-1]
OBSERVAT= 'OSN ' / Sierra Nevada Observatory (IAA-CSIC)
ORIGIN = 'IAA-CSIC' / Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia
DATAMEAN= 5590.843698501587 / Mean data value in the image
DATASTD = 82.71160318426344 / STD data value of the image
DATAMIN = 4566 / Min data value in the image
DATAMAX = 12688 / Max data value in the image
FLI-SDK = '1.104 ' / FLI SDK software version
FLI-KRNL= '1.3.2 ' / FLI Linux kernel version
MCS-VER = '2.0.3.dev0+g6311fc0.d20200625165239' / MIMA Control Software version
OBS-CAMP= 'Camp3 ' / Observation campaign
OBS-MODE= 'ObsMode1' / Observation mode
OBSERVER= 'CampaignRunner' / Observer
SIMULAT = T / MCS is in simulation mode
FWHEEL = 'Fake Filter Instrumentation' / FilterWheel Model
FILTER = 'Na ' / Filter used for this observation
TEMPCTLR= 'IAA-TempCtrl' / TempCtrler Model
FLT-SETT= '30.0 ' / Set temperature
FLT-TEMP= '30.0 ' / Current temperature
PWCTRL = 'Fake-PowerCtrl' / PowerCtrler Model
PWSTATUS= 'filter_wheel=ON camera=ON temp_ctlr=ON usb_externder=ON' / PowerCtrle
DOMECTLR= 'TH2E ' / Dome T/H sensor
DOME-TEM= 'None ' / Current Dome Temperature (C)
DOME-HUM= 'None ' / Current Dome Humidity (%s)
SUN-ELM = 70.0 / [degree] Sun max. elevation
MOON-ELM= 70.0 / [degree] Moon max. elevation
MOON-FIL= '/home/jmiguel/mc.py' / Moon phase correction file
COMMENT Image generated by CampaignRunner
MIMA images are saved with BITPIX=16, what means 16-bit two’s complement binary integer. Thus, a not binned image (1024x1024) will require 2 MB of storage.
Functionalities implemented¶
Conversion of old SATI FITS files to be compliant with FITS standard (v4.0, 2018), and also compliant with MIMA data processing pipeline. It is done for a whole given directory.
Pre-processing (for a given directory):
master darks creation, grouping by EXPTIME
master flat creation, grouping by EXPTIME and type (dusk, dawn), and subtracting previosly the nearest exposure master dark.
combine of science raw files, grouped by FILTER, and doing previously the dark subtraction.
science raw file calibration doing dark subtraction and flat-fielding.
Spectroscopic processing:
determination of the center of the FPI image using an iterative method based on fringe peaks symmetry (as described in paper XXX), fitting a Gaussian to the line peaks.
determination of the center of the FPI image using Canny filter and circular Hough transform.
full circle averaged spectrum extraction and plotting given the center of the image, and line emission detection
FPI 2D image slicing in sectors, and extraction (and plotting) of a averaged 1D spectrum of each sector.
Data Proccesing steps¶
MIMA output images on the CCD shows concentric fringes, each of which corresponds to an emission line, as shown in figure below. By taking the intensity ratio of these fringes, one can measure the rotational temperature of the emitting molecules.

MIMA sample image¶
As described above, concentric fringes are obtained for each filter, corresponding to individual airglow lines. From these fringe images, we took the following four data processing steps to calculate rotational temperatures and airglow emission rates
Cosmic ray removal
Dark count subtraction
Fringe center determination
Filter temperature drift
After these four data processing steps, we fit the synthetic spectra to the observed spectra using to obtain the rotational temperatures and airglow emission rates.