Juan Carlos Gómez Martín
Científico Titular
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucia (IAA)
Kanaya et al. (incl. Gómez Martín) (2025) Observational ozone data over the global oceans and polar regions: The TOAR-II Oceans data set version 2024. Earth System Science Data, preprint
Martikainen, J., O. Muñoz, J. C. Gómez Martín, M. Pasas Varo, T. Jardiel, M. Peiteado, Y. Wilame, L. Neari, T. Becker and G. Wurm (2025) Database of Martian dust optical properties in the UV-vis-NIR, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 537(2), 1489–1503.
Saiz-López, A., et al.(incl. Gómez Martín) (2025) Role of the stratosphere in the global mercury cycle, Science Advances, 11(2), eads1459.
Becker, T., F. C. Onyeagusi, J. Teiser, T. Jardiel, M. Peiteado, O. Muñoz, J. Martikainen, J. C. Gómez Martín, J. Merrison and G. Wurm (2024) Ejected Particles after Impact Splash on Mars: Electrification, The Planetary Science Journal, 5:277.
Muñoz, O., E. Frattin, J. Martikainen, D. Guirado, M. Passas-Varo, J. Escobar-Cerezo, F. J. García-Izquierdo, J. C. Gómez Martín, Z. Gray, T. Jardiel, F. Moreno, A. J. Ocaña, M. Peiteado, A. T. Galego-Calvente, H. Volten (2024). Update Granada-Amsterdam Light Scattering Database, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 331, 109252.
Martikainen, J., O. Muñoz, J. C. Gómez Martín, M. Peiteado, T. Jardiel, A. C. Caballero, S. Pérez-Hoyos, A. Sánchez-Lavega, T. Becker, G. Wurm, Y. Willame, A. C. Vandaele (2024) Experimental Scattering Matrices of Martian Dust Aerosols with Narrow Particle-size Distributions, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 273, 28.
Gómez Martín, J. C., O. Muñoz, J. Martikainen, D. Guirado, I. Tanarro, R. J. Peláez, B. Maté, M. Jiménez-Redondo, V. J. Herrero, M. Peiteado, T. Jardiel (2024) Experimental phase function and degree of linear polarization of light scattered by hydrogenated amorphous carbon circumstellar dust analogues, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 270, 2.
Passas-Varo, M., O. Van der Velde, F. Gordillo-Vázquez, J. C. Gómez Martín, J. Sánchez, F. Pérez-Invernón, R. Sanchez-Ramirez, M. García-Comas and J. Montanya (2023) Spectroscopy of a mesospheric ghost reveals iron emissions, Nature Communications, 14, 7810.
Becker, T., J. Teiser, T. Jardiel, M. Peiteado, O. Muñoz, J. Martikainen, J. C. Gómez Martín, J. Merrison and G. Wurm (2023) Ejected Particles after Impact Splash on Mars: Aggregates and Aerodynamics, The Planetary Science Journal, 4:180.
Martikainen, J., O. Muñoz, T. Jardiel, J. C. Gómez Martín, M. Peiteado, Y. Willame, A. Penttila, K. Muinonen, G. Wurm and T. Becker (2023) Optical Constants of Martian Dust Analogs at UV–Visible–Near-infrared Wavelengths, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 268:47.
Saiz-Lopez, A., R. P. Fernandez, Q. Li, C. A. Cuevas, X. Fu, D. E. Kinnison, S. Tilmes, A. S. Mahajan, J. C. Gómez Martín, F. Iglesias-Suarez, R. Hossaini, J. M. C. Plane, G. Myhre, J.-F. Lamarque (2023) Natural short-lived halogens exert an indirect cooling effect on climate, Nature, 618, 967–973.
Gómez-González, E., O. Muñoz, J. C. Gómez Martín, et al. (2023) Polarimetric imaging for the detection of synthetic models of SARS-CoV-2: a proof of concept, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 302, 108567.
Frattin, E., Martikainen, J., O. Muñoz, J. C. Gómez Martín, T. Jardiel, A. Cellino, G. Libourel, K. Muinonen, M. Peiteado and P. Tanga (2022) Experimental phase function and degree of linear polarization curve of olivine and spinel and the origin of the Barbarian polarization behaviour, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517(4), 5463–5472.
Becker, T., J. Teiser, T. Jardiel, M. Peiteado, O. Muñoz, J. Martikainen, J. C. Gómez Martín and G. Wurm (2022) Releasing Atmospheric Martian Dust in Sand Grain Impacts, Planetary Science Journal, 3(8), 195.
Saiz-López, A., A. U. Acuña, A. S. Mahajan, J. Z. Dávalos, W. Feng, D. Roca-Sanjuán, J. Carmona-García, C. A. Cuevas, D. E. Kinnison, J. C. Gómez Martín, J. S. Francisco, J. M. C. Plane (2022) The chemistry of mercury in the stratosphere, Geophysical Research Letters, 49(12), e2022GL097953.
Gómez Martín, J. C., T. R. Lewis, K. M. Doublas, M. A. Blitz, A. Saiz-López, J. M. C. Plane (2022) The reaction between HgBr and O3: kinetic study and atmospheric implications, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24, 12419-12432.
Gómez Martín, J. C., T. R. Lewis, A. D. James., A. Saiz-López, J. M. C. Plane (2022) Insights into the chemistry of iodine new particle formation: the role of iodine oxides and the source of iodic acid, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144, 21, 9240–9253.
Long, Bo, Y. Xia, J. L. Bao, J. Carmona-García, J. C. Gómez Martín, J. M. C. Plane, D. Roca-Sanjuán, A. Saiz-López, J. Francisco (2022) Reaction of SO3 with HONO2 and Implications for Sulfur Partitioning in the Atmosphere, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144, 20, 9172–9177.
Gómez Martín, J. C., A. Saiz-López, C. A. Cuevas, A. R. Baker, R. P. Fernandez (2022) On the speciation of iodine in marine aerosol, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127(4), e2021JD036081.
Gómez-González, E., et al. (incl. Gómez Martín) (2022) Optical imaging spectroscopy for rapid, primary screening of SARS-CoV-2: a proof of concept, Scientific Reports, 12, 2356.
Muñoz, O., E. Frattin, T. Jardiel, J.C. Gómez Martín, F. Moreno, J. L. Ramos, D. Guirado, M. Peiteado, A.C. Caballero, J. Milli, F. Menard (2021) Retrieving dust grain sizes from photo-polarimetry. An experimental approach, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 256, 17.
Gómez-González, E., et al. (incl. Gómez Martín) (2021) Hyperspectral image processing for the identification and quantification of lentiviral particles in fluid samples, Scientific Reports, 11, 16201.
Gómez Martín, J. C., D. Guirado, E. Frattin, M. Bermudez-Edo, P. Cariñanos Gonzalez, F. J. Olmo Reyes, T. Nousiainen, P. J. Gutiérrez, F. Moreno, O. Muñoz (2021) On the application of scattering matrix measurements to detection and identification of major types of airborne aerosol particles: volcanic ash, desert dust and pollen, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 271, 107761.
Gómez Martín, J. C., A. Saiz-López, C. A. Cuevas, R. P. Fernandez, B. Gilfedder, R. Weller, A. R. Baker, E. Droste, S. Lai (2021) Spatial and temporal variability of iodine in aerosol, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(9), e2020JD034410.
Plane, J. M. C., S. M. Daly, W. Feng, M. Gerding and J. C. Gómez Martín (2021) Meteor-ablated Aluminum in the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2020JA028792.
Gómez Martín, J. C., T. R. Lewis, M. A. Blitz, J. M. C. Plane, M. Kumar, J. L. Francisco, A. Saiz-López (2020) A gas-to-particle conversion mechanism helps to explain atmospheric particle formation through clustering of iodine oxides, Nature Communications, 11, 4521.
Lewis, T. R., J. C. Gómez Martín, M. A. Blitz, C. A. Cuevas, J. M. C. Plane, A. Saiz-López (2020) Determination of the absorption cross-sections of higher order iodine oxides at 355 nm and 532 nm, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 10865–10887.
Kumar, M.; T. Trabelsi; J. C. Gómez Martín, A. Saiz-López, J. L. Francisco (2020) HIOx-IONO2 Dynamics at the Air-Water Interface: Revealing the Existence of a Halogen Bond at the Atmospheric Aerosol Surface, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142, 28, 12467–12477.
Muñoz, O., F. Moreno, J.C. Gómez Martín, F. Vargas-Martin, D. Guirado, J. L. Ramos, I. Bustamante, et al. (2020), Experimental Phase Function and Degree of Linear polarization curves of mm-sized cosmic dust analogs, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 247, 19.
Gómez Martín, J. C., D. Guirado, E. Zubko, J. Escobar-Cerezo, F. Moreno, O. Muñoz, (2020), Computational study of the sensitivity of laser light scattering particle sizing to refractive index and irregularity, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 241, 106745.
Carrillo-Sánchez, J. D., J. C. Gómez Martín, D. L. Bones, D. Nesvorný, P. Pokorný, G. J. Flynn, M. Benna, and J. M. C. Plane (2020), Cosmic dust fluxes in the atmospheres of Earth, Mars, and Venus, Icarus, 335, 113299.
Frattin, E., O. Muñoz, F. Moreno, J. Nava, J. Escobar-Cerezo, J. C. Gómez Martín, D. Guirado, A. Cellino, P. Coll, F. Raulin, I. Bertini, G. Cremonese, M. Lazzarin, G. Naletto, and F. La Forgia (2019), Experimental phase function and degree of linear polarization of cometary dust analogs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484(2), 2198–2211.
Bones, D., J. C. Gómez Martín, J. D. Carrillo-Sanchez, A. Dobson, and J. M. C. Plane (2018), Characterisation of the Extra-terrestrial Magnesium Source in the Atmosphere using a Meteoric Ablation Simulator, Geophysical Research Letters, 45(15), 7765-7771.
Shannon, R., J. C. Gómez Martín, R. L. Caravan, M. A. Blitz, J. M. C. Plane, D. E. Heard, M. Antiñolo, M. Agundez, E. Jimenez, B. Ballesteros, A. Canosa, G. El Dib, J. Albaladejo, and J. Cernicharo (2018), Comment on “Methanol dimer formation drastically enhances hydrogen abstraction from methanol by OH at low temperature” by W. Siebrand, Z. Smedarchina, E. Martínez-Núñez and A. Fernández-Ramos, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, 18, 22712, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,20, 8349-8354.
Plane, J. M. C., W. Feng, J. C. Gómez Martín, M. Gerding and S. Raizada (2018), A New Model of Meteoric Calcium in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 14799–14811.
Escobar-Cerezo, J., O. Munoz, F. Moreno, D. Guirado, J. C. Gómez Martín, J. D. Goguen, E. J. Garboczi, T. Lafarge, and R. A. West (2018), Experimental scattering matrix for lunar regolith simulant JSC-1A at visible wavelengths, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 235, 19.
Gómez Martín, J. C., S. M. Daly, J. S. A. Brooke, and J. M. C. Plane (2017), Absorption cross sections and kinetics of formation of AlO at 298 K, Chemical Physics Letters, 675, 56-62.
Gómez Martín, J. C., D. L. Bones, J. D. Carrillo-Sánchez, A. D. James, J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez, J. Fegley, B., and J. M. C. Plane (2017), Novel Experimental Simulations of the Atmospheric Injection of Meteoric Metals, The Astrophysical Journal, 836(2), 212.
Kovács, T., W. Feng, A. Totterdill, J. M. C. Plane, S. Dhomse, J. C. Gómez-Martín, G. P. Stiller, F. J. Haenel, C. Smith, P. M. Forster, R. R. García, D. R. Marsh, and M. P. Chipperfield (2017), Determination of the atmospheric lifetime and global warming potential of sulfur hexafluoride using a three-dimensional model, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17(2), 883-898.
James, A. D., V. L. F. Frankland, J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez, J. Alonso-Azcárate, J. C. Gómez Martín, and J. M. C. Plane (2017), Synthesis and characterisation of analogues for interplanetary dust and meteoric smoke particles, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 162, 178-191.
Janches, D., N. Swarnalingam, J. D. Carrillo-Sanchez, J. C. Gómez Martín, R. Marshall, D. Nesvorny, J. M. C. Plane, W. Feng, and P. Pokorny (2017), Radar detectability studies of slow and small Zodiacal Dust Cloud Particles: III. The role of sodium and the Head Echo size on the probability of detection., The Astrophysical Journal, 843, 1-11.
Gómez Martín, J. C., J. S. A. Brooke, W. Feng, M. Höpfner, M. J. Mills, and J. M. C. Plane (2017), Impacts of meteoric sulfur in the Earth's atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122(14), 7678-7701.
Gómez Martín, J. C., C. Seaton, M. P. de Miranda, and J. M. C. Plane (2017), The Reaction between Sodium Hydroxide and Atomic Hydrogen in Atmospheric and Flame Chemistry, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 121(40), 7667-7674.
Gómez Martín, J. C., and J. M. C. Plane (2017), Reaction Kinetics of CaOH with H and O2 and O2CaOH with O: Implications for the Atmospheric Chemistry of Meteoric Calcium, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 1(7), 431-441.
Gómez Martín, J. C., S. A. Garraway, and J. M. C. Plane (2016), Reaction Kinetics of Meteoric Sodium Reservoirs in the Upper Atmosphere, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120( 9), 1330–1346.
Nachbar, M., D. Duft, T. P. Mangan, J. C. Gómez Martín, J. M. C. Plane, and T. Leisner (2016), Laboratory measurements of heterogeneous CO2 ice nucleation on nanoparticles under conditions relevant to the Martian mesosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 121(5), 753–769.
Plane, J. M. C., J. C. Gómez Martín, W. Feng, and D. Janches (2016), Silicon chemistry in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121(7), 3718-3728.
Gómez Martín, J. C., H. Vömel, T. D. Hay, A. S. Mahajan, C. Ordóñez, M. C. Parrondo Sempere, M. Gil-Ojeda, and A. Saiz-Lopez (2016), On the Variability of Ozone in the Equatorial Eastern Pacific Boundary Layer, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121, 11086-11103.
Bromley, S., J. C. Gómez Martín, and J. M. C. Plane (2016), Under what Conditions does (SiO)N Nucleation Occur? A Bottom-up Kinetic Modelling Evaluation, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18, 26913-26922.
Bones, D. L., J. C. Gómez Martín, C. J. Empson, J. D. Carrillo-Sánchez, A. D. James, T. P. Conroy, and J. M. C. Plane (2016), A novel instrument to measure differential ablation of meteorite samples and proxies: The Meteoric Ablation Simulator (MASI), Review of Scientific Instruments, 87(9), 094504.
Totterdill, A., T. Kovács, W. Feng, S. Dhomse, C. J. Smith, J. C. Gómez Martín, M. P. Chipperfield, P. M. Forster, and J. M. C. Plane (2016), Atmospheric lifetimes, infrared absorption spectra, radiative forcings and global warming potentials of NF3 and CF3CF2Cl (CFC-115), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(17), 11451-11463.
Bones, D. L., M. Gerding, J. Höffner, J. C. Gómez Martín, and J. M. C. Plane (2016), A study of the dissociative recombination of CaO+ with electrons: Implications for Ca chemistry in the upper atmosphere, Geophysical Research Letters, 43(24), 12333-12339.
Sorribas, M., J. C. Gómez Martín, T. D. Hay, A. S. Mahajan, C. A. Cuevas, M. V. Agama Reyes, F. Paredes Mora, M. Gil-Ojeda, and A. Saiz-Lopez (2015), On the concentration and size distribution of sub-micron aerosol in the Galápagos Islands, Atmospheric Environment, 123, Part A, 39-48.
Totterdill, A. E. M., T. Kovacs, J. C. Gómez Martín, W. Feng, and J. M. C. Plane (2015), Mesospheric Removal of the Very Long-lived Greenhouse Gases SF6 and CFC-115 by Metal Reactions, Lyman-α Photolysis and Electron Attachment, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(10), 2016–2025.
MacDonald, S. M., J. C. Gómez Martín, R. Chance, S. Warriner, A. Saiz-Lopez, L. J. Carpenter, and J. M. C. Plane (2014), A laboratory characterisation of inorganic iodine emissions from the sea surface: dependence on oceanic variables and parameterisation for global modelling, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(11), 5841-5852.
Gómez Martín, J. C., R. L. Caravan, M. A. Blitz, D. E. Heard, and J. M. C. Plane (2014), Low Temperature Kinetics of the CH3OH + OH Reaction, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 118(15), 2693-2701.
Saiz-Lopez, A., R. P. Fernandez, C. Ordóñez, D. E. Kinnison, J. C. Gómez Martín, J. F. Lamarque, and S. Tilmes (2014), Iodine chemistry in the troposphere and its effect on ozone, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(23), 13119-13143.
Totterdill, A., J. C. Gómez Martín, T. Kovacs, W. H. Feng, and J. M. G. Plane (2014), Experimental Study of the Mesospheric Removal of NF3 by Neutral Meteoric Metals and Lyman-alpha Radiation, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 118(23), 4120-4129.
Wang, F., A. Saiz-Lopez, A. S. Mahajan, J. C. Gómez Martín, D. Armstrong, M. Lemes, T. Hay, and C. Prados-Roman (2014), Enhanced production of oxidised mercury over the tropical Pacific Ocean: a key missing oxidation pathway, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(3), 1323-1335.
Galvez, O., J. C. Gómez Martín, P. C. Gomez, A. Saiz-Lopez, and L. F. Pacios (2013), A theoretical study on the formation of iodine oxide aggregates and monohydrates, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15, 15572-15583.
Gómez Martín, J. C., O. Galvez, M. T. Baeza-Romero, T. Ingham, J. M. C. Plane, and M. A. Blitz (2013), On the mechanism of iodine oxide particle formation, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15, 15612-15622.
Gómez Martín, J. C., A. S. Mahajan, T. D. Hay, C. Prados-Román, C. Ordóñez, S. M. MacDonald, J. M. C. Plane, M. Sorribas, M. Gil, J. F. Paredes Mora, M. V. Agama Reyes, D. E. Oram, E. Leedham, and A. Saiz-Lopez (2013), Iodine chemistry in the eastern Pacific marine boundary layer, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118 (2), 887–904.
Mahajan, A. S., J. C. Gómez Martín, T. D. Hay, S. J. Royer, S. Yvon-Lewis, Y. Liu, L. Hu, C. Prados-Roman, C. Ordóñez, J. M. C. Plane, and A. Saiz-Lopez (2012), Latitudinal distribution of reactive iodine in the Eastern Pacific and its link to open ocean sources, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(23), 11609-11617.
Saiz-Lopez, A., J. M. C. Plane, A. R. Baker, L. J. Carpenter, R. von Glasow, J. C. Gómez Martín, G. McFiggans, and R. W. Saunders (2012), Atmospheric Chemistry of Iodine, Chemical Reviews, 112(3), 1773-1804.
Schonhardt, A., M. Begoin, A. Richter, F. Wittrock, L. Kaleschke, J. C. Gómez Martín, and J. P. Burrows (2012), Simultaneous satellite observations of IO and BrO over Antarctica, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(14), 6565-6580.
Gómez Martín, J. C., J. Blahins, U. Gross, T. Ingham, A. Goddard, A. S. Mahajan, A. Ubelis, and A. Saiz-Lopez (2011), In situ detection of atomic and molecular iodine using Resonance and Off-Resonance Fluorescence by Lamp Excitation: ROFLEX, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 4(1), 29-45.
Mahajan, A. S., M. Sorribas, J. C. Gómez Martín, S. M. MacDonald, M. Gil, J. M. C. Plane, and A. Saiz-Lopez (2011), Concurrent observations of atomic iodine, molecular iodine and ultrafine particles in a coastal environment, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(6), 2545-2555.
Gómez Martín, J. C., and J. M. C. Plane (2011), Kinetic studies of atmospherically relevant silicon chemistry. Part III: Reactions of Si+ and SiO+ with O3, and Si+ with O2, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(9), 3764-3774.
Whalley, C. L., J. C. Gómez Martín, T. G. Wright, and J. M. C. Plane (2011), A kinetic study of Mg+ and Mg-containing ions reacting with O3, O2, N2, CO2, N2O and H2O: implications for magnesium ion chemistry in the upper atmosphere, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(13), 6352-6364.
Saunders, R. W., R. Kumar, J. C. Gómez Martín, A. S. Mahajan, B. J. Murray, and J. M. C. Plane (2010), Studies of the Formation and Growth of Aerosol from Molecular Iodine Precursor, Zeitschrift Fur Physikalische Chemie, 224(7-8), 1095-1117.
Gómez Martín, J. C., M. A. Blitz, and J. M. C. Plane (2009), Kinetic studies of atmospherically relevant silicon chemistry. Part II: Silicon monoxide reactions, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 11(46), 10945-10954.
Gómez Martín, J. C., S. H. Ashworth, A. S. Mahajan, and J. M. C. Plane (2009), Photochemistry of OIO: Laboratory study and atmospheric implications, Geophysical Research Letters, 36.
Gómez Martín, J. C., M. A. Blitz, and J. M. C. Plane (2009), Kinetic studies of atmospherically relevant silicon chemistry Part I: Silicon atom reactions, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 11(4), 671-678.
Gómez Martín, J. C., and J. M. C. Plane (2009), Determination of the O-IO bond dissociation energy by photofragment excitation spectroscopy, Chemical Physics Letters, 474(1-3), 79-83.
Gómez Martín, J. C., P. Spietz, and J. P. Burrows (2007), Kinetic and mechanistic studies of the I2/O3 photochemistry, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 111(2), 306-320.
Spietz, P., J. C. Gómez Martín, and J. P. Burrows (2006), Effects of column density on I2 spectroscopy and a determination of I2 absorption cross section at 500nm, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 2177-2191.
Spietz, P., J. C. Gómez Martín, and J. P. Burrows (2006), Quantitative treatment of coarsely binned low-resolution recordings in molecular absorption spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 64(3), 722-735.
Gómez Martín, J. C., P. Spietz, and J. P. Burrows (2005), Spectroscopic studies of the I2/O3 photochemistry - Part 1: Determination of the absolute absorption cross sections of iodine oxides of atmospheric relevance, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-Chemistry, 176(1-3), 15-38.
Spietz, P., J. C. Gómez Martín, and J. P. Burrows (2005), Spectroscopic studies of the I2/O3 photochemistry - Part 2. Improved spectra of iodine oxides and analysis of the IO absorption spectrum, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-Chemistry, 176(1-3), 50-67.
Gómez Martín, J. C., P. Spietz, J. Orphal, and J. P. Burrows (2004), Principal and independent components analysis of overlapping spectra in the context of multichannel time-resolved absorption spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 60(11), 2673-2693.
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