#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011-2012 IAA-CSIC - All rights reserved.
# Author: Jose M. Ibanez.
# Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia, IAA-CSIC
# This file is part of PAPI (PANIC Pipeline)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# PANICtool
# applyDarkFlat.py
# Created : 05/06/2009 jmiguel@iaa.es
# Last update: 05/06/2009 jmiguel@iaa.es
# 11/03/2010 jmiguel@iaa.es - Added out_dir for output files
# 18/03/2010 jmiguel@iaa.es - Modified to support only dark
# subtraction, only flatfielding or both
# 15/11/2010 jmiguel@iaa.es - Added normalization to flat-field
# 16/11/2010 jmiguel@iaa.es - Added support for MEF files
# 21/03/2014 jmiguel@iaa.es - Added support for BPM
# 18/03/2015 jmiguel@iaa.es - Added checking of NCOADD
# Import necessary modules
import sys
import os
import fileinput
import time
import argparse
from scipy import ndimage
from papi.misc.fileUtils import removefiles
from papi.misc.utils import clock
import papi.misc.robust as robust
from papi.datahandler.clfits import ClFits, isaFITS
# Logging
from papi.misc.paLog import log
from papi.misc.version import __version__
# Interact with FITS files
from astropy.io import fits
import papi.misc.cleanBadPix as cleanBadPix
import numpy
[docs]class ExError (Exception):
""" Next class if for a general execution Exception """
[docs]class ApplyDarkFlat(object):
Class used to subtract a master dark (or dark model), divide
by a master flat field and apply a BPM.
Applies a master dark, master flat and BPM to a list of
non-calibrated science files.
For each file processed a new file it is generated with the same
filename but with the suffix '_DF.fits' and/or '_BPM.fits'.
sci_raw_files: list
A list of science raw files to calibrate
dark: str
Master dark to subtract; it can be a master dark model to produce a
proper scaled master dark to subtract.
mflat: str
Master flat to divide by (not normalized !)
bpm: str
Input bad pixel mask or None
out_dir: str
Output directory where calibrated files will be created
bpm_action: str
Action to perform with BPM:
- fix, to fix Bad pixels
- grab, to set to 'NaN' Bad pixels.
- none, nothing to do with BPM (default)
force_apply: bool
If true, no checking with data FITS header will be done (IMAGETYPE).
norm: bool
If true, perform Flat-Field normalization (wrt median chip_1).
If no error, return the list of files generated as result of the current
def __init__(self, sci_raw_files, mdark = None, mflat = None, bpm = None,
out_dir_ ="/tmp", bpm_action='none', force_apply=False,
norm = False):
self.__sci_files = sci_raw_files # list of files which apply dark and flat
self.__mdark = mdark # master dark (or master model) to apply
self.__mflat = mflat # master flat to apply (dome, twlight) - not normalized !!
self.__bpm = bpm # bad pixel mask file to apply
self.__out_dir = out_dir_ # output directory of calibrated files
self.__bpm_action = bpm_action
self.__force_apply = force_apply
self.__norm = norm
[docs] def apply(self):
Applies masters DARK and/or FLAT and/or BPM to science file list.
Both master DARK and FLAT are optional,i.e., each one can be applied
even the other is not present.
If dark_EXPTIME matches with the sci_EXPTIME, a straight subtraction is
done, otherwise, a Master_Dark_Model is required in order to compute a
scaled dark.
Note: This routine works fine with MEF files and data cubes, of a with
MEF-cubes. If means that if sci_data is a cube (3D array), the dark is
subtracted to each layer, and flat is applied also to each layer. Thus,
the calibrations works correctly for data cubes of data,
no matter if they are MEF or single HDU fits.
log.debug("Start applyDarkFlat")
log.debug(" + Master Dark: %s" % self.__mdark)
log.debug(" + Master Flat: %s" % self.__mflat)
log.debug(" + Master BPM: %s" % self.__bpm)
log.debug(" + SCI Source images: %s" % str(self.__sci_files))
start_time = time.time()
t = clock()
# some variables
cdark = None
cflat = None
out_suffix = ".fits"
dmef = False # flag to indicate if dark is a MEF file or not
fmef = False # flag to indicate if flat is a MEF file or not
n_ext = 1 # number of extension of the MEF file (1=simple FITS file)
median = 1 # median of the flat frame (if mef, mode of chip 0)
dark_time = None
dark_ncoadd = None
# default value used if normalization is not done
# #######################
# Master DARK reading:
if self.__mdark != None:
if not os.path.exists(self.__mdark): # check whether input file exists
msg = "Master Dark '%s' does not exist"%self.__mdark
raise Exception(msg)
dark = fits.open(self.__mdark)
cdark = ClFits (self.__mdark)
dark_time = cdark.expTime()
dark_ncoadd = cdark.getNcoadds()
if (not self.__force_apply and cdark.getType() != 'MASTER_DARK' and
cdark.getType() != 'MASTER_DARK_MODEL' and cdark.getType() != 'DARK'):
log.error("File %s does not look a neither MASTER_DARK nor MASTER_DARK_MODEL",self.__mdark)
raise Exception("File %sdoes not look a neither MASTER_DARK nor MASTER_DARK_MODEL"%self.__mdark)
n_ext = cdark.next
out_suffix = out_suffix.replace(".fits","_D.fits")
log.debug("Master DARK to be subtracted : %s"%self.__mdark)
# No master dark provided, then no dark to subtract
log.warning("No master dark to be subtracted !")
dark_data = 0
dark_time = None
dark_ncoadd = None
# ######################
# Master FLAT reading
if self.__mflat != None:
if not os.path.exists(self.__mflat): # check whether input file exists
msg = "Master Flat '%s' does not exist" % self.__mflat
raise Exception(msg)
flat = fits.open(self.__mflat)
cflat = ClFits (self.__mflat)
if not cflat.isMasterFlat() and not self.__force_apply:
log.error("File %s does not look a neither MASTER_FLAT",self.__mflat)
raise Exception("File %s does not look MASTER_FLAT"%self.__mflat)
flat_filter = cflat.getFilter()
# check MEF compatibility
if cdark != None and cdark.next != cflat.next:
raise Exception("Number of extensions does not match "
"in Dark and Flat files!")
else: n_ext = cflat.next
log.debug("Flat MEF file with %d extensions", n_ext)
# Flat Field Normalization (in principle, input Flat must be already normalized):
# compute mode for n_ext normalization (in case of MEF, we normalize
# all extension wrt chip 0)
naxis1 = cflat.getNaxis1()
naxis2 = cflat.getNaxis2()
if cflat.next > 1:
ext = 1
ext = 0
# Take the center of the image
off_naxis1 = int(naxis1 * 0.1)
off_naxis2 = int(naxis2 * 0.1)
dat = flat[ext].data[off_naxis2: naxis2 - off_naxis2,
off_naxis1: naxis1 - off_naxis1]
# NaN values must not be replaced with 0.0 !!!
# dat[numpy.isnan(dat)]= 0.0 #
# Normalization is done with a robust estimator --> np.median()
median = robust.r_nanmedian(dat)
mean = robust.r_nanmean(dat)
mode = 3 * median - 2 * mean
log.info("Flat stats: MEDIAN= %f MEAN=%f MODE(estimated)=%f ", \
median, mean, mode)
if self.__norm:
log.warning("Flat-field will be normalized by MEDIAN ( %f ) value", median)
out_suffix = out_suffix.replace(".fits","_F.fits")
log.debug("Found master FLAT to divide by: %s" % self.__mflat)
log.warning("No master flat to be divided by !")
flat_data = 1.0
flat_filter = None
modian = 1
# Add suffix whether BPM is to be applied
if self.__bpm != None and self.__bpm_action != 'none':
out_suffix = out_suffix.replace(".fits","_BPM.fits")
if self.__mdark == None and self.__mflat == None:
with fits.open(self.__bpm) as bp:
if len(bp) == 1: n_ext = 1
else: n_ext = len(bp) - 1
elif self.__mdark == None and self.__mflat == None and self.__bpm != None and self.__bpm_action == 'none':
log.error("Please, choose a BPM action (grab or fix)")
raise Exception("No BPM action selected")
# Get the user-defined list of flat frames
framelist = self.__sci_files
# STEP 2: Check the TYPE and FILTER of each science file
# If any frame on list missmatch the FILTER, then the procedure will be
# aborted.
# EXPTIME do not need be the same, so EXPTIME scaling will be done
# However, if force_apply==True no checking will be done.
n_removed = 0
# List of files generated as result of this procedure and that will be returned
result_file_list = []
# Start the applying of calibrations
for iframe in framelist:
if not os.path.exists(iframe):
log.error("File '%s' does not exist", iframe)
f = fits.open(iframe)
cf = ClFits(iframe)
f_ncoadd = cf.getNcoadds()
log.debug("Science frame %s, EXPTIME = %f, TYPE = %s, FILTER = %s, NCOADD = %s"\
%(iframe, cf.expTime(), cf.getType(), cf.getFilter(), f_ncoadd))
# Check FILTER
if (not self.__force_apply and flat_filter != None
and cf.getFilter() != flat_filter):
log.error("Error: Task 'applyDarkFlat' found a frame with "
"different FILTER. Skipping frame...")
n_removed = n_removed + 1
# check Number of Extensions
if len(f) > 1 and (len(f) - 1) != n_ext:
raise Exception("File %s does not match the number of "
"extensions (%d)" %(iframe, n_ext))
elif len(f) == 1 and n_ext != 1:
raise Exception("File %s does not match the number of "
"extensions (%d)" %(iframe, n_ext))
log.debug("Good match of the number of extensions.")
# Delete old files
(path, name) = os.path.split(iframe)
newpathname = (self.__out_dir + "/" + \
name.replace(".fits", out_suffix)).replace("//","/")
# Scale master DARK
exp_time = float(cf.expTime()) # all extension have the same TEXP
if self.__mdark and dark_time:
time_scale = float(exp_time / dark_time)
else: time_scale = 1.0
for chip in range(0, n_ext):
dark_data = None
if n_ext > 1: # it means, MEF
# Get the right extension by name
chip_name = 'Q%d' % (chip + 1)
except KeyError as e:
chip_name = 'SG%i_1' % (chip + 1)
log.info("Processing extension %s" % chip_name)
# Get DARK
if self.__mdark is not None:
if (not self.__force_apply and
(not numpy.isclose(time_scale, 1.0, atol=1e-01)
or f_ncoadd != dark_ncoadd)
): # for dark_model time_scale==-1
log.debug("Dark EXPTIME or NCOADD mismatch ! looking for DarkModel ...")
if not cdark.isMasterDarkModel():
log.error("Cannot find out a scaled dark to apply")
raise Exception("Cannot find a scaled dark to apply")
log.debug("Scaling dark with DarkModel...")
dark_data = dark[chip_name].data[1] * exp_time + dark[chip_name].data[0]
dark_data = dark[chip_name].data
dark_data = 0
# Get normalized FLAT
if self.__mflat != None:
if self.__norm:
# normalization wrt chip 0
flat_data = flat[chip_name].data / median
# suppose it's already normalized
flat_data = flat[chip_name].data
flat_data = 1
# Get SCI data
sci_data = f[chip_name].data
# Get BPM
if self.__bpm != None:
bpm_data = fits.getdata(self.__bpm, extname = chip_name,
# Single
# Get DARK
if self.__mdark != None:
if (not self.__force_apply and
(not numpy.isclose(time_scale, 1.0, atol=1e-01)
or f_ncoadd != dark_ncoadd)
): # for dark_model time_scale==-1
if f_ncoadd != dark_ncoadd:
log.warning("Dark NCOADD mismatch !. Checking if Dark is a dark model...")
log.warning("Dark EXPTIME mismatch (time_scale= %f)! Checking if Dark is a dark model ..." % time_scale)
if not cdark.isMasterDarkModel():
log.error("Dark is not a DarkModel, cannot find out a scaled dark to apply")
raise Exception("Cannot find a scaled dark to apply")
log.debug("DarkModel found: Scaling dark with dark model...")
dark_data = dark[0].data[1] * exp_time + dark[0].data[0]
log.info("AVG(scaled_dark)=%s"% robust.r_nanmean(dark_data))
dark_data = dark[0].data
else: dark_data = 0
# Get normalized FLAT
if self.__mflat != None:
if self.__norm:
log.debug("Normalizing FF...")
flat_data = flat[0].data / median # normalization
log.debug("No normalization will be done to FlatField.")
# we suppose it's already normalized
flat_data = flat[0].data
else: flat_data = 1
## Get RAW_SCI data
sci_data = f[0].data
# Get BPM
if self.__bpm != None:
# bpm_data: must be an array that is True or >0
# where bad pixels
bpm_data = fits.getdata(self.__bpm, header=False)
# To avoid NaN values due to zero division by FLAT
__epsilon = 1.0e-20
flat_data = numpy.where(numpy.fabs(flat_data) < __epsilon,
1.0, flat_data)
# Other way to solve the zero division in FF
#sci_data = numpy.where(flat_data==0.0,
# (sci_data - dark_data),
# (sci_data - dark_data) / flat_data )
# Store back the new values
# Finally, apply dark, Flat and BPM
# #################################
# Note: if sci_data is a cube (3D array), dark is subtracted
# to each layer, and flat is applied also to each layer. Thus,
# the calibrations works correctly for data cubes of data,
# no matter if they are MEF or single HDU fits.
f_mean = robust.r_nanmean(flat_data)
print("FFLAT_MEAN = ", f_mean)
sci_data = (sci_data - dark_data) / (flat_data)
# Now, apply BPM
if self.__bpm:
if sci_data.shape != bpm_data.shape:
log.error("Source data and BPM do not match image shape")
raise Exception("Source data and BPM do not match image shape")
if self.__bpm_action == 'fix':
log.debug("Fixing Bad Pixles...")
#sci_data = fixpix(sci_data, bpm_data, iraf=True)
sci_data = fixpix(sci_data, bpm_data)
elif self.__bpm_action == 'grab':
log.debug("Grabbing BPM")
sci_data[bpm_data == 1] = numpy.NaN
log.debug("Nothing to do with BPM")
if n_ext > 1: # it means, MEF
f[chip_name].data = sci_data
f[0].data = sci_data
# Update header
if self.__mdark != None:
f[0].header.add_history('Dark subtracted %s' %self.__mdark)
if self.__mflat != None:
f[0].header.add_history('Flat-Field with %s' %self.__mflat)
if self.__bpm != None and self.__bpm_action != 'none':
f[0].header.add_history('BPM with %s' %self.__bpm)
f[0].header.set('PAPIVERS', __version__, 'PANIC Pipeline version')
# Write output to outframe (data object actually still points
# to input data)
if n_ext == 1: f[0].scale('float32')
for chip in range(0, n_ext):
f[chip + 1].scale('float32')
f.writeto(newpathname, output_verify='ignore')
except IOError:
raise ExError('Cannot write output to %s' % newpathname)
log.debug('Saved new dark subtracted or/and flattened or/and BP Masked file %s',
newpathname )
log.debug(t.tac() )
log.info("Successful end of applyDarkFlat !")
return result_file_list
[docs]def fixpix( image_data, mask_data):
Clean masked (bad) pixels from an input image. Each masked pixel
is replaced by the median of unmasked pixels in a 2D window of ``size`` centered on
it. If all pixels in the window are masked, then the window is
increased in size until unmasked pixels are found.
image_data: the image array to fix
mask_data: an array that is True (or >0) where image contains bad pixels
The cleaned image array;otherwise an exception is raised.
#mask = numpy.where( mask_data == 0, 1, 0)
#mask = numpy.logical_not(mask_data)
return cleanBadPix._clean_masked_pixels(image_data, mask_data,
size=5, exclude_mask=None)
except Exception as e:
log.error("Error cleanning bad pixels...")
raise e
[docs]def fixpix_old(im, mask, iraf=False):
Applies a bad-pixel mask to the input image (im), creating an image with
masked values replaced with a bi-linear interpolation from nearby pixels.
Probably only good for isolated badpixels.
fixed = fixpix(im, mask, [iraf=])
im = the image array
mask = an array that is True (or >0) where im contains bad pixels
iraf = True use IRAF.fixpix; False use numpy and a loop over
all pixels (extremelly low)
fixed = the corrected image
v1.0.0 Michael S. Kelley, UCF, Jan 2008
v1.1.0 Added the option to use IRAF's fixpix. MSK, UMD, 25 Apr
- Non-IRAF algorithm is extremelly slow.
log.info("Fixpix - Bad pixel mask interpolation (iraf=%s)"%iraf)
if iraf:
# importing globally is causing trouble
from pyraf import iraf as IRAF
import tempfile
badfits = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".fits").name
outfits = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".fits").name
fits.writeto(badfits, mask.astype(numpy.int16))
fits.writeto(outfits, im)
IRAF.fixpix(outfits, badfits)
cleaned = fits.getdata(outfits)
return cleaned
# Next approach is too slow !!!
# interp2d = interpolate.interp2d
# x = numpy.array(im.shape)
# y = numpy.array(im.shape)
# z = im.copy()
# good = (mask == False)
# interp = interpolate.bisplrep(x[good], y[good],
# z[good], kx=1, ky=1)
# z[mask] = interp(x[mask], y[mask])
# return z
# create domains around masked pixels
dilated = ndimage.binary_dilation(mask)
domains, n = ndimage.label(dilated)
# loop through each domain, replace bad pixels with the average
# from nearest neigboors
y, x = numpy.indices(im.shape, dtype=numpy.int)[-2:]
#x = xarray(im.shape)
#y = yarray(im.shape)
cleaned = im.copy()
for d in (numpy.arange(n) + 1):
# find the current domain
i = (domains == d)
# extract the sub-image
x0, x1 = x[i].min(), x[i].max() + 1
y0, y1 = y[i].min(), y[i].max() + 1
subim = im[y0:y1, x0:x1]
submask = mask[y0:y1, x0:x1]
subgood = (submask == False)
cleaned[i * mask] = subim[subgood].mean()
return cleaned
# main
[docs]def main(arguments=None):
# Get and check command-line options
usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
desc = """
This module receives a series of FITS source images and applies a master Dark, Flat and
BPM (subtract dark, divide Flat, and fix bad pixel) using the given
calibration files (master dark, master flat-field, bad pixel mask).
In principle, source raw files can be MEFs and data cubes, but cannot be
mixed MEF files and non-MEF files, and of course, images must have the
same image size.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)
parser.add_argument("-s", "--source",
action="store", dest="source_file_list",
help="Source file listing the filenames of raw frames.")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--dark",
action="store", dest="dark_file",
help="Master dark to be subtracted.")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--flat-field",
action="store", dest="flat_file",
help="Master flat-field to be divided by.")
parser.add_argument("-b", "--bpm",
action="store", dest="bpm_file",
help="Master Bad Pixel Mask to use (optional)")
parser.add_argument('-a', '--bpm_action',
choices=['fix', 'grab', 'none',],
help='Action (none,grab,fix) to perform with BPM [default: %(default)s]')
parser.add_argument("-o", "--out_dir",
action="store", dest="out_dir", default="/tmp/",
help="Directory where output files will be saved [Default: %(default)s]")
parser.add_argument("-F", "--force_apply",
action="store_true", dest="force_apply", default=False,
help="Forces operations withouth checking FITS data type [default: %(default)s]")
parser.add_argument("-N", "--normalize_FF",
action="store_true", dest="normalize", default=False,
help="Performs Flat-Filed normalization [default: %(default)s]")
options = parser.parse_args()
if len(sys.argv[1:]) < 1:
if not options.source_file_list:
parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments " )
if os.path.isdir(options.source_file_list):
parser.error("Source must be a file, not a directory")
if options.dark_file is None and options.flat_file is None \
and options.bpm_file is None:
parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments " )
if isaFITS(options.source_file_list):
filelist = [options.source_file_list]
filelist = [line.replace( "\n", "")
for line in fileinput.input(options.source_file_list)]
res = ApplyDarkFlat(filelist, options.dark_file, options.flat_file,
options.bpm_file, options.out_dir,
options.bpm_action, options.force_apply,
except Exception as e:
log.error("Error running task: %s" % str(e))
if __name__ == "__main__":