Source code for reduce.calBPM

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2011-2012 IAA-CSIC  - All rights reserved. 
# Author: Jose M. Ibanez. 
# Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia, IAA-CSIC
# This file is part of PAPI (PANIC Pipeline)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# PANICtool
# Created    : 25/06/2009
# Last update: 25/06/2009
#              03/03/2010 Added READMODE checking
#              21/02/2014 Added support for MEF files
#              28/05/2014 Improvements for thresholds. 
#  - include master dark subtraction !!!

# Import necessary modules
import argparse
import datetime
import os
import sys
import fileinput
from scipy import interpolate, ndimage

# Pyraf modules
import pyraf
from pyraf import iraf
from iraf import noao
from iraf import mscred

import as fits
import numpy

from papi.misc.paLog import log
from papi.misc.fileUtils import removefiles
from papi.misc.utils import clock
from papi.datahandler.clfits import ClFits, isaFITS

import papi.misc.robust as robust
from papi.misc.version import __version__

[docs]class BadPixelMask(object): """ Generate a bad pixel mask from a list of dark corrected dome flat images. (extracted from VIRCAM pipeline, vircam_genbpm) A list of DARK corrected dome FLAT images is given. A master flat is created from all the input flats in the list. Each input flat is then divided by the master. Bad pixels are marked on the new image as those that are above or below the threshold (in sigma) in the new image. Any pixel which has been marked as bad for more than a quarter of the input images is defined as bad in the output mask. """ def __init__(self, input_file, outputfile=None, lthr=4.0, hthr=4.0, temp_dir="/tmp", raw_flag=False): self.input_file = input_file # file with the list of files to read and process # Default parameters values self.lthr = float(lthr) self.hthr = float(hthr) self.temp_dir = temp_dir # If true, neither check image type or readout mode self.raw_flag = raw_flag if outputfile == None: dt = self.output = self.temp_dir + 'BadPixMask' + dt.strftime("-%Y%m%d%H%M%S") else: self.output = outputfile
[docs] def create(self): """ Algorith to create the BPM -------------------------- 1. Combine all of the dome flats into a master 2. Divide the resulting image by its median -->normalized MASTER_FLAT 3. Create and zero the rejection mask 4. Loop for all input images 4.1 Divide each by the nomalized master flat 4.2 Divide the resulting image by its median 4.3 Get the standard deviation of the image 4.4 Define the bad pixels 5. Go through the rejection mask and if a pixel has been marked bad more than a set number of times, then it is defined as bad """ t = clock() t.tic() __epsilon = 1.0e-20 # Read the file list filelist = [line.replace( "\n", "") for line in fileinput.input(self.input_file)] # Here we could check if each frame is a good dome flat !!! good_flats = [] f_readmode = -1 if not self.raw_flag: for iframe in filelist: cfits = ClFits(iframe) log.debug("Frame %s EXPTIME= %f TYPE= %s " %(iframe, cfits.exptime, cfits.type)) # Check EXPTIME, TYPE (flat) and FILTER if not cfits.isDomeFlat(): log.warning("Warning: Task 'create BPM' found a non-domeflat frame") else: # Check READMODE if f_readmode != -1 and (f_readmode != cfits.getReadMode()): log.error("Error: Task 'calBPM' finished. Found a FLAT frame with different READMODE") raise Exception("Found a FLAT frame with different READMODE") else: f_readmode = cfits.getReadMode() good_flats.append(iframe) else: good_flats = filelist if len(good_flats) < 2: msg = "Not enough dome flats provided. At least 2 good flat frames"\ "are required" log.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) # Due a bug in PyRAF that does not allow a long list of files separated # with commas as 'input' argument we need to build again a text file # with the good_files. if len(good_flats)!=len(filelist): flats = self.temp_dir + "/flats.txt" ftemp = open(flats,"w") for flat in good_flats: ftemp.write(flat+"\n") ftemp.close() else: flats = self.input_file # STEP 1: Make the combine of dome Flat frames # - Build the frame list for IRAF log.debug("Combining Flat frames...") flat_comb = self.temp_dir + '/flatcomb.fits' removefiles(flat_comb) # Call IRAF task (it works with MEF or simple images) # With next combine, cosmic rays are rejected. iraf.mscred.flatcombine(input=("'"+"@"+flats+"'").replace('//','/'), output=flat_comb, combine='median', ccdtype='', process='no', reject='sigclip', subsets='no', scale='mode' ) log.debug("Flatcombine created %s"%flat_comb) # STEP 2: Compute normalized flat # - Divide the resulting combined flat by its median (robust estimator) log.debug("Divide the resulting combined flat by its median...") flat_comb_hdu = nExt = 1 if len(flat_comb_hdu)==1 else len(flat_comb_hdu)-1 if nExt ==1: median = numpy.nanmedian(flat_comb_hdu[0].data) flat_comb_hdu[0].data = flat_comb_hdu[0].data / median else: for i_nExt in range(0, nExt): median = numpy.nanmedian(flat_comb_hdu[i_nExt+1].data) flat_comb_hdu[i_nExt+1].data = flat_comb_hdu[i_nExt+1].data / median # STEP 3: Create and zero the rejection mask if nExt==1: nx1,nx2 = flat_comb_hdu[0].data.shape else: nx1,nx2 = flat_comb_hdu[1].data.shape bpm = numpy.zeros([nExt, nx1, nx2], dtype=numpy.uint8) # STEP 4: Loop for all input images and divide each by the master norm Flat tmpf = numpy.zeros([nx1, nx2], dtype=numpy.float32) for flat in good_flats: log.debug("*** Processing file %s" % flat) f_i = for i_nExt in range(0, nExt):"*** Detector %d" % (i_nExt + 1)) if nExt == 1: # to avoid zero division error mydata = numpy.where(flat_comb_hdu[0].data < __epsilon, numpy.NaN, flat_comb_hdu[0].data) tmpf = f_i[0].data / mydata else: # to avoid zero division error mydata = numpy.where(flat_comb_hdu[i_nExt+1].data < __epsilon, numpy.NaN, flat_comb_hdu[i_nExt+1].data) tmpf = f_i[i_nExt + 1].data / mydata #mdat =, numpy.isnan(tmpf)) mdat = tmpf std = numpy.nanstd(mdat) r_std = robust.std(mdat) median = numpy.nanmedian(mdat) mad = numpy.nanmedian(numpy.abs(mdat - median)) # 1 / 0.6745 is the constant to convert from MAD to std mad*=1.4826" Median: %s " % median)" STD: %s" % std)" STD(robust): %s" % r_std)" MAD: %s" % mad) # Normalize the flattened image tmpf = tmpf / median r_std2 = robust.std(tmpf) # Define the H and L thresholds low = 1.0 - self.lthr * mad / median high = 1.0 + self.hthr * mad / median" Low Threshold: %f" % low)" High Threshold: %f" % high) # Count the number of NaN values (due to < __epsilon) n_nan = numpy.count_nonzero(numpy.isnan(tmpf)) log.debug("Number of NaNs :%s" % n_nan) # STEP 4.3 Define the bad pixels tmpf.shape = nx1, nx2 #bpm[ i_nExt, numpy.isnan(tmpf)]+=1 bpm[ i_nExt, (tmpf < low) | (tmpf > high) | numpy.isnan(tmpf)]+=1 log.debug("BPM updated with current flat %s", flat) f_i.close() flat_comb_hdu.close() # STEP 5: Go through the rejection mask and if a pixel has been marked bad # more than a set number of times (a quarter of number of images), # then it is defined as bad. nbmax = numpy.maximum(2, len(good_flats) / 4) bpm = numpy.where(bpm > nbmax, 1, 0) # bad pixels set to 1 # Show stats nbad = numpy.zeros(nExt) for i_nExt in range(0, nExt): nbad[i_nExt] = (bpm[i_nExt]==1).sum() badfrac = float(nbad[i_nExt]) / float(nx1*nx2)"# Bad pixels (detector %s): %f" % (i_nExt + 1, nbad[i_nExt]))"Fraction Bad pixel (detector %s): %f %%" % (i_nExt + 1, badfrac*100)) # STEP 6: Save the BPM --- TODO MEF !!!! removefiles(self.output) hdulist = fits.HDUList() hdr0 = fits.getheader(good_flats[0]) prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU (data = None, header = None) try: if 'INSTRUME' in hdr0: prihdu.header.set('INSTRUME', hdr0['INSTRUME']) if 'TELESCOP' in hdr0: prihdu.header.set('TELESCOP', hdr0['TELESCOP']) if 'CAMERA' in hdr0: prihdu.header.set('CAMERA', hdr0['CAMERA']) if 'MJD-OBS' in hdr0: prihdu.header.set('MJD-OBS', hdr0['MJD-OBS']) if 'DATE-OBS' in hdr0: prihdu.header.set('DATE-OBS', hdr0['DATE-OBS']) if 'DATE' in hdr0: prihdu.header.set('DATE', hdr0['DATE']) if 'UT' in hdr0: prihdu.header.set('UT', hdr0['UT']) if 'LST' in hdr0: prihdu.header.set('LST', hdr0['LST']) if 'ORIGIN' in hdr0: prihdu.header.set('ORIGIN', hdr0['ORIGIN']) if 'OBSERVER' in hdr0: prihdu.header.set('OBSERVER', hdr0['OBSERVER']) except Exception as e: log.warning("%s"%str(e)) prihdu.header.set('PAPITYPE', 'MASTER_BPM','TYPE of PANIC Pipeline generated file') prihdu.header.set('PAPIVERS', __version__, 'PANIC Pipeline version') prihdu.header.add_history('BPM created from %s' % good_flats) if nExt > 1: prihdu.header.set('EXTEND', True, after = 'NAXIS') prihdu.header.set('NEXTEND', nExt) prihdu.header.set('FILENAME', self.output) hdulist.append(prihdu) for i_ext in range(0, nExt): hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() hdu.scale('int16') # important to set first data type = bpm[i_ext] hdulist.append(hdu) del hdu else: prihdu.scale('int16') # important to set first data type = bpm[0] hdulist.append(prihdu) # write FITS try: hdulist.writeto(self.output) hdulist.close(output_verify='ignore') except Exception as e: log.error("Error writing BPM %s" % self.output) raise e # Remove temp files #misc.fileUtils.removefiles(flat_comb) log.debug('Saved Bad Pixel Mask to %s' , self.output) log.debug("createBPM' finished %s", t.tac() ) return self.output
[docs] def create_JM(self): """ Algorith to create the BPM -------------------------- 1. Combine all of the dome flats into a master 2. Divide the resulting image by its median -->normalized MASTER_FLAT 3. Create and zero the rejection mask 4. Loop for all input images and divide each by the master flat 4.1 Divide the resulting image by its median 4.2 Get the standard deviation of the image 4.3 Define the bad pixels 5. Go through the rejection mask and if a pixel has been marked bad more than a set number of times, then it is defined as bad """ t = clock() t.tic() # Read the file list filelist = [line.replace( "\n", "") for line in fileinput.input(self.input_file)] # Here we could check if each frame is a good dome flat !!! good_flats = [] f_readmode = -1 if not self.raw_flag: for iframe in filelist: cfits = ClFits(iframe) log.debug("Frame %s EXPTIME= %f TYPE= %s " %(iframe, cfits.exptime, cfits.type)) # Check EXPTIME, TYPE (flat) and FILTER if not cfits.isDomeFlat(): log.warning("Warning: Task 'create BPM' found a non-domeflat frame") else: # Check READMODE if f_readmode!=-1 and (f_readmode!= cfits.getReadMode() ): log.error("Error: Task 'calBPM' finished. Found a FLAT frame with different READMODE") raise Exception("Found a FLAT frame with different READMODE") else: f_readmode = cfits.getReadMode() good_flats.append(iframe) else: good_flats = filelist if len(good_flats) < 2: log.error('Not enough dome flats provided. At least 2 good flat frames are required') raise Exception("Not enough dome flats provided. At least 2 good flat frames are required") # Due a bug in PyRAF that does not allow a long list of files separated with commas as 'input' argument # we need to build again a text file with the good_files if len(good_flats)!=len(filelist): flats = self.temp_dir + "/flats.txt" ftemp = open(flats, "w") for flat in good_flats: ftemp.write(flat+"\n") ftemp.close() else: flats = self.input_file # STEP 1: Make the combine of dome Flat frames # - Build the frame list for IRAF log.debug("Combining Flat frames...") flat_comb = self.temp_dir + '/flatcomb.fits' removefiles(flat_comb) # Call IRAF task (it works with MEF or simple images) iraf.mscred.flatcombine(input=("'"+"@"+flats+"'").replace('//','/'), output=flat_comb, combine='median', ccdtype='', process='no', reject='sigclip', subsets='no', scale='mode' ) log.debug("Flatcombine created %s"%flat_comb) # STEP 2: Compute normalized flat # - Divide the resulting combined flat by its median (robust estimator) log.debug("Divide the resulting combined flat by its median...") flat_comb_hdu = nExt = 1 if len(flat_comb_hdu) == 1 else len(flat_comb_hdu) - 1 if nExt == 1: median = numpy.median(flat_comb_hdu[0].data) flat_comb_hdu[0].data = flat_comb_hdu[0].data / median else: for i_nExt in range(0, nExt): median = numpy.median(flat_comb_hdu[i_nExt+1].data) flat_comb_hdu[i_nExt+1].data = flat_comb_hdu[i_nExt+1].data / median if nExt == 1: nx1 = flat_comb_hdu[0].header['NAXIS1'] nx2 = flat_comb_hdu[0].header['NAXIS2'] else: # we suppose all extension have the same shape nx1 = flat_comb_hdu[1].header['NAXIS1'] nx2 = flat_comb_hdu[1].header['NAXIS2'] # STEP 3: Create and zero the rejection mask bpm = numpy.zeros([nExt, nx1, nx2], dtype=numpy.uint8) # STEP 4: Loop for all input images and divide each by the master tmpf = numpy.zeros([nx1, nx2], dtype=numpy.float32) for flat in good_flats: log.debug("Processing file %s"%flat) f_i = #ceros=(mflat[0].data==0).sum() #print "CEROS=", ceros for i_nExt in range(0, nExt): if nExt == 1: # to avoid zero division error mydata = numpy.where(flat_comb_hdu[0].data==0, 0.0001, flat_comb_hdu[0].data) tmpf = f_i[0].data / mydata else: # to avoid zero division error mydata = numpy.where(flat_comb_hdu[i_nExt + 1].data==0, 0.0001, flat_comb_hdu[i_nExt + 1].data) tmpf = f_i[i_nExt + 1].data / mydata std = numpy.std(tmpf) median = numpy.median(tmpf) mad = numpy.median(numpy.abs(tmpf - median)) mad*=1.4826 print(">>MEDIAN=", median) print(">>STD=", std) print(">>MAD=", mad) #log.debug("Divide each flatted flat by its median") tmpf = tmpf / median low = self.lthr high = self.hthr #low = 1.0 - self.lthr*mad/median #high = 1.0 + self.hthr*mad/median print(">>LOW=", low) print(">>HIGH=", high) # STEP 4.3 Define the bad pixels tmpf.shape = nx1, nx2 bpm[ i_nExt, (tmpf < low) | (tmpf > high)]+=1 log.debug("BPM updated with current flat %s", flat) f_i.close() flat_comb_hdu.close() # STEP 5: Go through the rejection mask and if a pixel has been marked bad # more than a set number of times (a quarter of number of images), # then it is defined as bad. nbmax = numpy.maximum(2, len(good_flats) / 4) bpm = numpy.where(bpm > nbmax, 1, 0) # bad pixel set to 1 # Show stats nbad = numpy.zeros(nExt) for i_nExt in range(0, nExt): nbad[i_nExt] = (bpm[i_nExt]==1).sum() badfrac = float(nbad[i_nExt])/float(nx1*nx2)"# Bad pixels (extension %s): %f"%(i_nExt, nbad[i_nExt]))"Fraction Bad pixel (extesion %s): %f"%(i_nExt,badfrac)) # STEP 6: Save the BPM --- TODO MEF !!!! removefiles(self.output) hdulist = fits.HDUList() hdr0 = fits.getheader(good_flats[0]) prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU (data = None, header = None) try: prihdu.header.set('INSTRUME', hdr0['INSTRUME']) prihdu.header.set('TELESCOP', hdr0['TELESCOP']) prihdu.header.set('CAMERA', hdr0['CAMERA']) prihdu.header.set('MJD-OBS', hdr0['MJD-OBS']) prihdu.header.set('DATE-OBS', hdr0['DATE-OBS']) prihdu.header.set('DATE', hdr0['DATE']) prihdu.header.set('UT', hdr0['UT']) prihdu.header.set('LST', hdr0['LST']) prihdu.header.set('ORIGIN', hdr0['ORIGIN']) prihdu.header.set('OBSERVER', hdr0['OBSERVER']) except Exception as e: log.warning("%s" % str(e)) prihdu.header.set('PAPITYPE','MASTER_BPM','TYPE of PANIC Pipeline generated file') prihdu.header.set('PAPIVERS', __version__, 'PANIC Pipeline version') prihdu.header.add_history('BPM created from %s' % good_flats) if nExt > 1: prihdu.header.set('EXTEND', True, after = 'NAXIS') prihdu.header.set('NEXTEND', nExt) prihdu.header.set('FILENAME', self.output) hdulist.append(prihdu) for i_ext in range(0, nExt): hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() hdu.scale('int16') # important to set first data type = bpm[i_ext] hdulist.append(hdu) del hdu else: prihdu.scale('int16') # important to set first data type = bpm[0] hdulist.append(prihdu) # write FITS try: hdulist.writeto(self.output) hdulist.close(output_verify='ignore') except Exception as e: log.error("Error writing linearity model %s"%self.output) raise e # Remove temp files removefiles(flat_comb) log.debug('Saved Bad Pixel Mask to %s', self.output) log.debug("createBPM' finished %s", t.tac()) return self.output
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Some util routines # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def fixPix(im, mask, iraf=False): """ Applies a bad-pixel mask to the input image (im), creating an image with masked values replaced with a bi-linear interpolation from nearby pixels. Probably only good for isolated badpixels. Usage: fixed = fixpix(im, mask, [iraf=]) Inputs: im = the image array mask = an array that is True (or >0) where im contains bad pixels iraf = True use IRAF.fixpix; False use numpy and a loop over all pixels (extremelly low) Outputs: fixed = the corrected image v1.0.0 Michael S. Kelley, UCF, Jan 2008 v1.1.0 Added the option to use IRAF's fixpix. MSK, UMD, 25 Apr 2011 Notes ----- - Non-IRAF algorithm is extremelly slow. """"Fixpix - Bad pixel mask interpolation (iraf=%s)"%iraf) if iraf: # importing globally is causing trouble from pyraf import iraf as IRAF import tempfile badfits = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".fits").name outfits = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".fits").name fits.writeto(badfits, mask.astype(numpy.int16)) fits.writeto(outfits, im) IRAF.fixpix(outfits, badfits) cleaned = fits.getdata(outfits) os.remove(badfits) os.remove(outfits) return cleaned # # Next approach is too slow !!! Please do not use it !! # # interp2d = interpolate.interp2d # x = numpy.array(im.shape) # y = numpy.array(im.shape) # z = im.copy() # good = (mask == False) # interp = interpolate.bisplrep(x[good], y[good], # z[good], kx=1, ky=1) # z[mask] = interp(x[mask], y[mask]) # return z # create domains around masked pixels dilated = ndimage.binary_dilation(mask) domains, n = ndimage.label(dilated) # loop through each domain, replace bad pixels with the average # from nearest neigboors y, x = numpy.indices(im.shape,[-2:] #x = xarray(im.shape) #y = yarray(im.shape) cleaned = im.copy() for d in (numpy.arange(n) + 1): # find the current domain i = (domains == d) # extract the sub-image x0, x1 = x[i].min(), x[i].max() + 1 y0, y1 = y[i].min(), y[i].max() + 1 subim = im[y0 : y1, x0 : x1] submask = mask[y0 : y1, x0 : x1] subgood = (submask == False) cleaned[i * mask] = subim[subgood].mean() return cleaned
[docs]def applyBPM(filename, master_bpm, output_filename, overwrite=False): """ Apply a BPM to a input file setting to NaN the bad pixels. Parameters: ----------- filename: str Input file to apply the BPM. MEF files are not supported yet. master_bpm: str The master BPM to be applied to the input file. Bad pixels are masked with 1's and good pixels with 0's. output_filename: str Filename of the new file created with bad pixels masked to NaN. overwrite: bool If True, the input filename will be masked with NaN on bad pixels. If False, the input filename will no be modified, and bad pixels will be masked in the output_filename. Returns ------- output_filename: str If success, the output filename with the masked pixels. TODO ---- - add support for MEF files """ # Check input filename is non-MEF with as myfits: if len(myfits)>1: raise Exception("MEF files are not supported yet.") try: # Load Bad Pixels mask (BP=1's) bpm_data, bh = fits.getdata(master_bpm, header=True) badpix_p = numpy.where(bpm_data==1) # Load source data source_data, gh = fits.getdata(filename, header=True) source_data = source_data.astype(float) # NaN is a float value ! # First, check that data have the same shape if source_data.shape==bpm_data.shape: source_data[badpix_p] = numpy.NaN else: if len(source_data.shape)!=len(bpm_data.shape): raise Exception("Input file and BPM have not same data format or shape.") else: raise Exception("Input file and BPM have not same data format or shape.") # TO BE DONE: support for sub-windows #if 'DATASEC' in gh: gh.set('HISTORY', 'Combined with BPM:%s' % master_bpm) # Write masked data if overwrite: fits.writeto(filename, source_data, header=gh, clobber=True) else: fits.writeto(output_filename, source_data, header=gh, clobber=True) except Exception as e: raise e else: if not overwrite: return output_filename else: return filename
[docs]def swap_bpm(master_bpm, output_filename, overwrite=False): """ Swap values in BPM, 0s by 1s, and 1s by 0s. """ # Check input filename is non-MEF with as myfits: if len(myfits)>1: raise Exception("MEF files are not supported yet.") try: # Load Bad Pixels mask (BP=1's) bpm_data, bh = fits.getdata(master_bpm, header=True) badpix_ones = numpy.where(bpm_data==1) badpix_zeros = numpy.where(bpm_data==0) bpm_data[badpix_ones] = 0 bpm_data[badpix_zeros] = 1 bh.set('INSTRUME', 'PANIC') bh.set('CAMERA', 'HgCdTe IR-Camera (1 H4RGs)') bh.set('FILTER', 'NO ') bh.set('HISTORY', 'BPM Swaped (0s by 1s and 1s by 0s)') # Write masked data if overwrite: fits.writeto(master_bpm, bpm_data, header=bh, clobber=True) else: fits.writeto(output_filename, bpm_data, header=bh, clobber=True) except Exception as e: raise e else: if not overwrite: return output_filename else: return filename
################################################################################ # main
[docs]def main(arguments=None): ############################################################################### desc = """ Generate a bad pixel mask from a list of dark corrected dome flat images. A list of dark corrected dome flat images is given. A master flat is created from all the input flats in the list. Each input flat is then divided by the master. Bad pixels are marked on the new image as those that are above or below the threshold (in sigma) in the new image. Any pixel which has been marked as bad for more than a quarter of the input images is defined as bad in the output mask. The output mask (BPM) created is a FITS file with same size than input images and with 0's for Good pixels and 1's for Bad pixels. Note: MEF files are supported as input files. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc) parser.add_argument("-s", "--source", action="store", dest="source_file_list", help="list of input (optionally dark corrected) dome flat images..") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", action="store", dest="output_filename", help="The output bad pixel mask (0's for good, 1's for bad pixels)") parser.add_argument("-L", "--lthr", action="store", dest="lthr", type=float, default=10.0, help="The low rejection threshold in units of sigma [default=%(default)s]") parser.add_argument("-H", "--hthr", action="store", dest="hthr", type=float, default=10.0, help="The high rejection threshold in units of sigma [default=%(default)s]") parser.add_argument("-r", "--raw", action="store_true", dest="raw_flag", default=False, help="Neither check FLAT type nor Readout-mode [default=%(default)s]") parser.add_argument("-a", "--apply_bpm", action="store", dest="apply_bpm", help="Apply (set to NaN) the given BPM to the source files.") parser.add_argument("-f", "--fix_bp", action="store", dest="fix_bp", help="Fix (replaced with a bi-linear interpolation from nearby pixels)" "the given BPM to the source files") if arguments is None: arguments = sys.argv[1:] # argv[0] is the script name options = parser.parse_args(args=arguments) if len(sys.argv[1:]) < 1: parser.print_help() return 2 # Check mandatory arguments if not options.output_filename or not options.source_file_list: parser.print_help() parser.error("incorrect number of arguments " ) return 2 # Make sure we are not overwriting an existing file if os.path.exists(options.output_filename): print("Error. The output file '%s' already exists." % (options.output_filename)) return 1 # Now, check how the routine will work: # 1) apply a BPM to source files # 2) fix the BP on source files # 3) computer a BPM from the source files # 1 - Apply the given BPM to the source files if options.fix_bp: filelist = [line.replace("\n", "") for line in fileinput.input(options.source_file_list)] bpm_data = fits.getdata(options.fix_bp, header=False) for myfile in filelist: my_data = fits.getdata(myfile, header=False) new_data = fixPix(my_data, bpm_data, iraf=True) new_file = myfile.replace(".fits",".bpm.fits") fits.writeto(new_file, new_data)"New file created: %s"%new_file) # 2 - Fix the BPs on source files elif options.apply_bpm: filelist = [line.replace( "\n", "") for line in fileinput.input(options.source_file_list)] for myfile in filelist: new_file = myfile.replace(".fits",".bpm.fits") applyBPM(myfile, options.apply_bpm, new_file) # 3 - Compute the BPM from source files else: try: bpm = BadPixelMask(options.source_file_list, options.output_filename, options.lthr, options.hthr, raw_flag=options.raw_flag) bpm.create() except Exception as e: log.error("Error running BPM: %s"%str(e)) return 0
############################################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": print('Starting BadPixelMap....') sys.exit(main())