Source code for reduce.calDark

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2009-2012 IAA-CSIC  - All rights reserved. 
# Author: Jose M. Ibanez. 
# Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia, IAA-CSIC
# This file is part of PAPI (PANIC Pipeline)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# PANICtool
# Created    : 07/11/2008
# Last update: 29/09/2009 - Scale by EXPTIME
#              11/12/2009 - Rename output filename to include 
#                            EXPTIME and NCOADDS and use ClFits class
#              14/12/2009 - Skip non DARK frames and continue 
#                            working with the good ones (good_frames)
#              02/03/2010 - added READEMODE checking
#              14/09/2010 - added support to MEF files, 
#                            calling mscred.darkcombine subrutine instead of 
#                            imred.darkcombine
#              07/03/2011 - Added Stats output and 
#                            normalization (divide master dark by the TEXP to 
#                            get a master dark in ADU/s units)
#  - checking of ITIME ( and not only EXPTIME, NCOADDS )

# Import necessary modules

import sys
import os
import fileinput
import shutil
import argparse
import numpy 

from papi.misc.paLog import log
from papi.misc.fileUtils import removefiles
from papi.misc.utils import clock, listToFile
from papi.datahandler.clfits import ClFits, isaFITS
from papi.misc.collapse import collapse
import papi.misc.robust as robust
from papi.misc.version import __version__

# Pyraf modules
from pyraf import iraf
from iraf import mscred

# Interact with FITS files
from import fits

[docs]class MasterDark(object): """ Create a master Dark from a list for dark files (single or MEF files); all must have the same properties (TEXP, NCOADDS, READMODE). Parameters ---------- file_list : list A list of dark files temp_dir: str Directory where temp files will be created output_filename: str Ouput filename of the master dark file to be created texp_scale: bool If true, scale the darks before the combination. bpm: str Bad pixel Map filename normalize: str Whether true, a normalization to 1 second is done after darks combination. It means, the master dark is supposed to have the count level of a dark frame of 1 second. show_stats: bool Whether true, some statistics will be be shown no_type_checking: bool Whether true, the type of file (dark, flat, ...) will no be checked in the input files """ def __init__(self, file_list, temp_dir, output_filename="/tmp/mdark.fits", texp_scale=False, bpm=None, normalize=False, show_stats=False, no_type_checking=False): """ Initialize the object """ self.__file_list = file_list self.__output_filename = output_filename # full filename (path+filename) self.__temp_dir = temp_dir #temporal dir used for temporal/intermediate files self.__bpm = bpm self.m_min_ndarks = 3 self.m_texp_scale = texp_scale # see note below self.m_normalize = normalize self.show_stats = show_stats self.no_type_checking = no_type_checking
[docs] def createMaster(self): """ Create a master DARK from the dark file list. Warns ----- The method must be called only after the object was properly initialized. """ log.debug("Start createMaster") t = clock() t.tic() # Get the user-defined list of dark frames framelist = self.__file_list # STEP 0: Determine the number of darks frames to combine try: nframes = len(framelist) except IndexError as e: log.error("No DARK frames defined") raise e if nframes < self.m_min_ndarks: log.error("Not enough number of dark frames (>%s) to compute master dark: %s",self.m_min_ndarks, framelist) raise Exception("Not enough number of dark frames (>=%s) to compute master dark" %(self.m_min_ndarks)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.__output_filename, os.pardir))): raise NameError('Wrong output path') if not self.__output_filename: log.error("Combined DARK frame not defined") raise Exception("Wrong output filename") # Change to the source directory base, infile = os.path.split(self.__output_filename) iraf.chdir(base) # STEP 1: Check the EXPTIME, TYPE(dark) of each frame f_expt = -1.0 f_type = '' f_ncoadds = -1 f_readmode = -1 good_frames = [] for iframe in framelist: f = ClFits(iframe) log.debug("Frame %s EXPTIME= %f TYPE= %s NCOADDS= %s REAMODE= %s" %(iframe, f.expTime(), f.getType(), f.getNcoadds(), f.getReadMode())) if not self.no_type_checking and not f.isDark(): log.error("Error: Task 'createMasterDark' finished. Frame %s is not 'DARK'",iframe) raise Exception("Found a non DARK frame") # continue else: # Check EXPTIME, TYPE(dark) and READMODE if (not self.m_texp_scale and f_expt != -1 and (int(f.expTime()) != int(f_expt) or f.getType() != f_type or f.getNcoadds() != f_ncoadds or f.getReadMode() != f_readmode)): log.error("Error: Task 'createMasterDark' finished. Found a DARK frame (%s)with different EXPTIME, NCOADDS or READMODE",iframe) #continue raise Exception("Found a DARK frame with different EXPTIME or NCOADDS or READMODE") else: f_expt = f.expTime() f_ncoadds = f.getNcoadds() f_type = f.getType() f_readmode = f.getReadMode() good_frames.append(iframe.replace("//", "/")) log.debug('Right, dark frames with same type are: %s', good_frames) if self.m_texp_scale: scale_str = 'exposure' else: scale_str = 'none' # Cleanup : Remove old masterdark removefiles(self.__output_filename) tmp1 = self.__temp_dir + "/dark_tmp.fits" removefiles(tmp1) # Add TEXP and NCOADD to master filename if f_ncoadds == -1: f_ncoadds = 1 self.__output_filename = self.__output_filename.replace(".fits", "_%d_%d.fits" % (f_expt, f_ncoadds)) # STEP 1.2: Check if images are cubes, then collapse them. good_frames = collapse(good_frames, out_dir=self.__temp_dir) # Write frames to txt file listToFile(good_frames, self.__temp_dir + "/files.list") """ NOTE: I don't know how darkcombine does the scaling with EXPTIME, in #fact --> see F.Vales email : # """ """ If we decide to scale the dark by exposure time, we will have to have the bias subtracted. (You can do this by turning the "process" option on.) Otherwise, the bias will end up being scaled, too. Once again, keep in mind that running ccdproc with the resultant darks will cause the bias to be subtracted again; you have to be very careful. """ # Call the iraf.mscred.darkcombine task through PyRAF iraf.mscred.darkcombine(input = "@"+(self.__temp_dir+"/files.list").replace('//','/'), output=tmp1.replace('//','/'), combine='average', ccdtype='', process='no', reject='minmax', nlow='0', nhigh='1', nkeep='1', scale=scale_str, #expname = 'EXPTIME' #ParList = _getparlistname('darkcombine') ) if self.m_normalize: log.debug("Normalizing master dark to 1 sec") # divide master dark by the TEXP to get a master dark in ADU/s units texp = ClFits(tmp1).expTime() iraf.mscred.mscarith(operand1 = tmp1, operand2 = texp, op='/', result=self.__output_filename, verbose='no') else: shutil.move(tmp1, self.__output_filename) darkframe =,'update') # Add a new keyword-->PAPITYPE darkframe[0].header.set('PAPITYPE','MASTER_DARK','TYPE of PANIC Pipeline generated file') darkframe[0].header.set('PAPIVERS', __version__, 'PANIC Pipeline version') darkframe[0].header.set('IMAGETYP','MASTER_DARK','TYPE of PANIC Pipeline generated file') if 'PAT_NEXP' in darkframe[0].header: darkframe[0].header.set('PAT_NEXP', 1, 'Number of position into the current dither pattern') if self.m_normalize: darkframe[0].header.set('EXPTIME', 1.0) darkframe[0].header.set('ITIME', 1.0) darkframe[0].header.set('NCOADDS', 1) # 'ignore' will ignore any FITS standard violation and allow # write/update the FITS file darkframe.close(output_verify='ignore') log.debug('Saved master DARK to %s', self.__output_filename) log.debug("createMasterDark' finished %s", t.tac() ) if self.show_stats: medians = [] for i_frame in good_frames: pf = x1, y1 = pf[0].data.shape if len(pf) == 1: # print "mean=",numpy.mean(pf[0].data[512:1536,512:1536]) medians.append(robust.r_nanmedian(pf[0].data[int(x1*0.25) : int(y1*0.75), int(x1*0.25) : int(y1*0.75)])) else: print("MEF files now are supported !") for i_ext in range(1, len(pf)): medians.append(robust.r_nanmedian(pf[i_ext].data[int(x1*0.25) : int(y1*0.75), int(x1*0.25) : int(y1*0.75)])) # Get some stats from master dark (mean/median/rms) print("I_FRAME=", i_frame) values = (iraf.mscstat(images=i_frame, fields="image,mean,mode,midpt,stddev,min,max", format='yes',Stdout=1)) for line in values: print(line) print("-----------------------------------") print("MEDIANS of center of detector (robust) =", medians) print("QC DARK MEAN =", numpy.mean(medians)) print("QC DARK MED =", numpy.median(medians)) print("QC DARK STDEV =", numpy.std(medians)) print("QC DARK MAD =", numpy.median(numpy.abs(medians - numpy.median(medians)))) #print "QC RONi", #print "QC DARK NBADPIX =", # Get some stats from master dark (mean/median/rms) print("Master dark Stats:") print("------------------") values = (iraf.mscstat (images=self.__output_filename, fields="image,mean,mode,stddev,min,max", format='yes',Stdout=1)) for line in values: print(line) return self.__output_filename
################################################################################ # main
[docs]def main(arguments=None): # Get and check command-line options # The script doesnt take any positional arguments, so only options desc = """This module receives a series of FITS images (darks) and creates the master dark and computes several statistics. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc) parser.add_argument("-s", "--source", action="store", dest="source_file_list", help="Source file listing the filenames of dark frames.") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", action="store", dest="output_filename", help="final coadded output image") parser.add_argument("-n", "--normalize", action="store_true", dest="normalize", default=False, help="normalize master dark to 1 sec [default False]") parser.add_argument("-e", "--scale", action="store_true", dest="texp_scale", default=False, help="scale raw frames by TEXP [default False]") parser.add_argument("-S", "--show_stats", action="store_true", dest="show_stats", default=False, help="Show frame stats [default False]") parser.add_argument("-t", "--no_type_checking", action="store_true", dest="no_type_checking", default=False, help="Do not make frame type checking [default False]") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=True, help="verbose mode [default]") options = parser.parse_args() if len(sys.argv[1:]) < 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if not options.source_file_list or not options.output_filename: parser.print_help() parser.error("incorrent number of arguments") if (os.path.isdir(options.source_file_list) or os.path.isdir(options.output_filename)): parser.print_help() parser.error("Source and output must be a file, not a directory") filelist = [line.replace("\n", "") for line in fileinput.input(options.source_file_list)] try: mDark = MasterDark(filelist, "/tmp", options.output_filename, options.texp_scale, None, options.normalize, options.show_stats, options.no_type_checking) mDark.createMaster() except Exception as e: log.error("Task failed. Some error was found: %s" % str(e))
###################################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())