#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2009-2012 IAA-CSIC - All rights reserved.
# Author: Jose M. Ibanez.
# Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia, IAA-CSIC
# This file is part of PAPI (PANIC Pipeline)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# PANICtool
# calDarkModel.py
# Created : 17/06/2009 jmiguel@iaa.es
# Last update: 22/06/2009 jmiguel@iaa.es
# 03/03/2010 jmiguel@iaa.es Added READMODE checking
# 18/02/2014 jmiguel@iaa.es Speeded up with numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit
# and added support for MEFs.
# Changed structure of planes, p0=bias, p1=dark_curr
# Import necessary modules
import argparse
import sys
import os
import fileinput
import time
from papi.misc.paLog import log
from papi.misc.fileUtils import removefiles
from papi.misc.utils import clock
from papi.datahandler.clfits import ClFits
import papi.misc.robust as robust
from papi.misc.version import __version__
# Interact with FITS files
import astropy.io.fits as fits
import numpy
[docs]class MasterDarkModel(object):
Class used to build and manage a master calibration dark model
As input a series of dark exposures with a range of exposure times is given.
A linear fit is done at each pixel position of data number versus
exposure time. A each pixel position in the output map represents the
slope of the fit done at that position and is thus the dark current
expressed in units of data numbers per second.
input_data: list
A list of dark files
temp_dir: str
Directory for temporal files
output_filename: str
Filename for the master dark obtained
bpm: str
Input bad pixel mask or NULL (optional)
If no error, a fits file (nx*ny) with 2 planes (extensions)
plane 0 = bias
plane 1 = dark current in DN/sec
DARKCURRENT The median dark current in data numbers per second found
from the median value of the output dark current map.
- Data model for MEF files (PANIC)
def __init__(self, input_files, temp_dir='/tmp/',
bpm=None, show_stats=True):
self.__input_files = input_files
self.__output_filename = output_filename # full filename (path+filename)
self.__bpm = bpm
self.show_stats = show_stats
[docs] def createDarkModel(self):
Create a master DARK model from the dark file list
log.debug("Start createDarkModel")
start_time = time.time()
t = clock()
# Get the user-defined list of dark frames
framelist = self.__input_files
# STEP 0: Determine the number of darks frames to combine
nframes = len(framelist)
except IndexError:
log.error("No DARK frames defined")
if not os.path.exists( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.__output_filename, os.pardir))):
raise NameError('Wrong output path')
if not self.__output_filename:
log.error("Output DARK frame not defined")
raise Exception("Wrong output filename")
# Change to the source directory
base, infile = os.path.split(self.__output_filename)
darks = numpy.zeros(nframes, dtype=numpy.int)
# STEP 1: Check TYPE(dark), READMODE and read the EXPTIME of each frame
# print "FRAMELIST= %s" %framelist
i = 0
f_readmode = -1
f_n_extensions = -1
for iframe in framelist:
myfits = ClFits(iframe)
log.debug("Frame %s EXPTIME= %f TYPE= %s " %(iframe, myfits.exptime, myfits.type))
# Check TYPE (dark)
if not myfits.isDark():
log.warning("Warning: Task 'createDarkModel' found a non dark frame. Skipping %s", iframe)
darks[i] = 0
if (f_readmode !=-1 and (f_readmode != myfits.getReadMode() )):
log.error("Error: Task 'createMasterDark' finished. Found a DARK frame with different READMODE")
darks[i] = 0
raise Exception("Found a DARK frame with different READMODE")
f_readmode = myfits.getReadMode()
f_n_extensions = myfits.getNExt()
#log.debug("NEXT= %s"%(f_n_extensions))
darks[i] = 1
i = i + 1
log.debug('All frames checked')
naxis1 = myfits.naxis1
naxis2 = myfits.naxis2
ndarks = (darks==1).sum()
if ndarks < 2:
log.error('Dark frameset doesnt have enough frames. At least 2 dark frames are needed')
raise Exception("Dark sequence is too short. Al least 2 dark frames are needed !")
# Initialize some storage arrays
times = numpy.zeros(ndarks, dtype=numpy.float32)
temp = numpy.zeros([ndarks, f_n_extensions, naxis1, naxis2], dtype=numpy.float32)
out = numpy.zeros([2, f_n_extensions, naxis1, naxis2], dtype=numpy.float32)
# Loop the images
counter = 0 # counter for the number of darks
for i in range(0, nframes):
file = fits.open(framelist[i])
f = ClFits(framelist[i])
if darks[i] == 1: # is a good dark
for i_ext in range(0, f_n_extensions):
if f_n_extensions == 1:
temp[counter, 0, :,:] = file[0].data
log.debug("Found MEF file")
temp[counter, i_ext, :,:] = file[i_ext + 1].data
_mean = numpy.mean(temp[counter])
_robust_mean = robust.r_nanmean(temp[counter].reshape(naxis1 * naxis2 * f_n_extensions))
_median = robust.r_nanmedian(temp[counter])
_mode = 3 * _median - 2 * _robust_mean
if self.show_stats:
log.info("Dark frame TEXP=%s , ITIME=%s ,MEAN(not used)=%s , ROBUST_MEDIAN=%s ROBUST_MEAN=%s" % (f.expTime(), f.getItime(), _mean, _median, _robust_mean))
times[counter] = float(f.expTime())
counter = counter + 1
log.debug("Now fitting the dark model...")
# now collapse and fit the data
# polyfit returns polynomial coefficients ordered from low to high.
# It means, 0-coeff => bias, 1-coeff => dark_current
fit = numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(times,
temp.reshape(len(times), naxis1 * naxis2 * f_n_extensions), deg=1)
log.debug("Fitting finished, now some stats and save results")
# Get the median value of the dark current
median_dark_current = robust.r_nanmedian(fit[1])
median_bias = robust.r_nanmedian(fit[0])
log.info("MEDIAN_DARK_CURRENT = %s" % median_dark_current)
log.info("MEDIAN BIAS = %s" % median_bias)
removefiles( self.__output_filename )
# Write result in a FITS
hdulist = fits.HDUList()
hdr0 = fits.getheader(framelist[numpy.where(darks==1)[0][0]])
prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU (data = None, header = None)
prihdu.header.set('INSTRUME', hdr0['INSTRUME'])
prihdu.header.set('TELESCOP', hdr0['TELESCOP'])
prihdu.header.set('CAMERA', hdr0['CAMERA'])
prihdu.header.set('MJD-OBS', hdr0['MJD-OBS'])
prihdu.header.set('DATE-OBS', hdr0['DATE-OBS'])
prihdu.header.set('DATE', hdr0['DATE'])
prihdu.header.set('UT', hdr0['UT'])
prihdu.header.set('LST', hdr0['LST'])
prihdu.header.set('ORIGIN', hdr0['ORIGIN'])
prihdu.header.set('OBSERVER', hdr0['OBSERVER'])
except Exception as e:
log.warning("%s" % str(e))
prihdu.header.set('PAPIVERS', __version__, 'PANIC Pipeline version')
prihdu.header.add_history('Dark model based on %s' % framelist)
prihdu.header.add_history('Plane 0: bias ; Plane 1: dark current')
if f_n_extensions > 1:
prihdu.header.set('EXTEND', True, after = 'NAXIS')
prihdu.header.set('NEXTEND', f_n_extensions)
prihdu.header.set('FILENAME', self.__output_filename)
for i_ext in range(0, f_n_extensions):
hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU()
hdu.data = fit.reshape(2, f_n_extensions, naxis1, naxis2)[:, i_ext, :, :].astype('float32')
del hdu
prihdu.data = fit.reshape(2, 1, naxis1, naxis2)[:, 0, :, :].astype('float32')
# write FITS
except Exception as e:
log.error("Error writing dark model %s" % self.__output_filename)
raise e
log.debug('Saved DARK Model to %s' , self.__output_filename)
log.debug("createDarkModel' finished %s", t.tac())
return self.__output_filename
[docs]def my_mode(data):
An easy (efficient and precise ??) way to find out the mode stats of an array
(not used)
counts = {}
for x in data.flatten():
counts[x] = counts.get(x,0) + 1
maxcount = max(counts.values())
modelist = []
for x in counts:
if counts[x] == maxcount:
return modelist,maxcount
# main
[docs]def main(arguments=None):
usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
desc = """
This module receives a series of FITS images (darks) with increasing exposure
time and creates the master dark model and computes several statistics.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)
parser.add_argument("-s", "--source",
action="store", dest="source_file_list",
help="Source file listing the filenames of dark frames.")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output",
action="store", dest="output_filename",
help="final coadded output image")
parser.add_argument("-S", "--show_stats",
action="store_true", dest="show_stats", default=False,
help="Show frame stats [default False]")
options = parser.parse_args()
if len(sys.argv[1:])<1:
if not options.source_file_list or not options.output_filename:
parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments ")
if os.path.isdir(options.source_file_list) or \
parser.error("Source and output must be a file, not a directory")
filelist = [line.replace( "\n", "")
for line in fileinput.input(options.source_file_list)]
mDark = MasterDarkModel(filelist, "/tmp",
except Exception as e:
log.error("Error computing dark model: %s"%str(e))
if __name__ == "__main__":