Source code for reduce.calTwFlat

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2009-2015 IAA-CSIC  - All rights reserved. 
# Author: Jose M. Ibanez. 
# Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia, IAA-CSIC
# This file is part of PAPI (PANIC Pipeline)
# PAPI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# PANICtool
# Created    : 19/05/2009
# Last update: 29/09/2009
#              14/12/2009  - Check NCOADDS; use ClFits class; 
#                                              Skip non TW flats and continue 
#                                              working with the good ones
#              03/03/2010  - Added READMODE checking 
#              20/09/2010  - Added support of MEF files
#              18/11/2010  - Added optional normalization by 
#                                              mode
#              22/02/2012  - Added Dark model use to build the 
#                                              required scaled dark 
#              27/03/2012  - Fixed bug wrt chip 1 normalization
#              03/12/2012  - Modified normalization by median instead of mode
#              05/08/2014  - Added support for DOME_FLAT series (not lamp on/off)
#              27/01/2015  - Added new way for dark subtraction with 
#                                              multiple master darks
#              18/03/2015  - Added collapse of flats if required.
#   - take into account BPM !!!
#   - compute automatically the level of counts the twilight flats should 
#     have (lthr,hthr)
#   - median smooth

# Import necessary modules

import sys
import os
import fileinput
import shutil
import argparse

from papi.misc.paLog import log
from papi.misc.fileUtils import removefiles
from papi.misc.utils import clock, listToFile
from papi.datahandler.clfits import ClFits, isaFITS
from papi.misc.collapse import collapse
import papi.misc.robust as robust
from papi.misc.version import __version__
from papi.misc.mef import MEF

# Pyraf modules
from pyraf import iraf
from iraf import mscred

# Interact with FITS files
import as fits

[docs]class ExError(Exception): pass
[docs]class MasterTwilightFlat(object): """ Description: ------------ Class used to build and manage a master calibration twilight flat. Twilight flats are quite good for low-spatial frequency QE variation across the chip (large scale variation), but not for high-spatial frequency (small scale variations). 1. Check the TYPE(twilight) and FILTER of each Flat frame If any frame on list missmatch the FILTER, then the master twflat will skip this frame and contiune with then next ones. EXPTIME do not need be the same, so EXPTIME scaling with 'mode' will be done 1.1: Check either over or under exposed frames 2. We subtract a proper MASTER_DARK, it is required for TWILIGHT FLATS because they might have diff EXPTIMEs 3. Make the combine (with sigclip rejection) of dark subtracted Flat frames scaling by 'mode' 4. Normalize the tw-flat dividing by the mean value Author: JMIbannez, IAA-CSIC """ def __init__(self, flat_files, master_dark_model, master_dark_list, output_filename="/tmp/mtwflat.fits", lthr=10000, hthr=40000, bpm=None, normal=True, temp_dir="/tmp/", median_smooth=False): """ Initialization method. Parameters ---------- flat_files: list list of raw sky/dome flats frames master_dark_model : string or list Master dark model to subtract (required, exclusive with master_dark_list) master_dark_list: list List of master dark to subtract (required, exclusive with master_dark_model) output_filename: string Filename of the output master tw-flat to build lthr: int Low threshold to identify good twilight flats (default 15000) hthr: int High threshold to identify good twilight flats (default 30000) bpm: string Bad Pixel mask to use (optional) normal: bool If true, the normalization will be done. temp_dir: string Temporal directory for temporal files needed. median_smooth: bool If true, median smooth filter is applied to the combined Flat-Field """ self.__input_files = flat_files self.__master_dark_model = master_dark_model # if fact, it is a dark model self.__master_dark_list = master_dark_list self.__output_filename = output_filename # full filename (path+filename) self.__bpm = bpm self.__normal = normal self.__temp_dir = temp_dir #temporal dir used for temporal/intermediate files self.__median_smooth = median_smooth self.m_MIN_N_GOOD = 3 self.m_lthr = lthr self.m_hthr = hthr self.m_min_flats = 3
[docs] def createMaster(self): """ Create a master Tw FLAT from the flat file list """ log.debug("===> Start createMasterTwilightFlat") log.debug(" Flats files: %s" % self.__input_files) # Cleanup old files removefiles(self.__output_filename) # Get the user-defined list of flat frames framelist = self.__input_files if not self.__master_dark_model and not self.__master_dark_list: log.error("Error, No master dark provided") raise Exception("No master dark provided") # Check exists master DARK if self.__master_dark_model: if (isinstance(self.__master_dark_model, list) and len(self.__master_dark_model) > 0): self.__master_dark_model = self.__master_dark_model[-1] if not os.path.exists(self.__master_dark_model): log.error("Cannot find frame : %s"%self.__master_dark_model) raise Exception("Master Dark Model not found") # Determine the number of Flats frames to combine nframes = len(framelist) if nframes < self.m_min_flats: log.error("Not enough number (%s) of flat frames (>%s) to compute \ master tw-flat",nframes, self.m_min_flats) raise ExError("Flat sequence is too short, at least %s frames are required"%self.m_min_flats) if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.__output_filename, os.pardir))): log.error('Directory of combined FLAT frame does not exist') raise ExError('Directory of combined FLAT frame does not exist') if not self.__output_filename : log.error('Combined FLAT frame not defined') raise ExError('Combined FLAT frame not defined') # Change to the source directory base = os.path.split(self.__output_filename)[0] iraf.chdir(base) # STEP 0: Convert (if required) all files to MEF # Darks i_file = ClFits(self.__master_dark_list[0]) if not i_file._is_panic_h4rg: try: mef = MEF(self.__master_dark_list) self.__master_dark_list = mef.convertGEIRSToMEF(out_dir=self.__temp_dir)[1] except Exception as e: log.error("Error converting Darks to MEF file: %s", str(e)) raise e # Flats i_file = ClFits(framelist[0]) if not i_file._is_panic_h4rg: try: mef = MEF(framelist) framelist = mef.convertGEIRSToMEF(out_dir=self.__temp_dir)[1] except Exception as e: log.error("Error converting Flats to MEF file: %s", str(e)) raise e del i_file # STEP 1: Check the TYPE(twilight) and FILTER, READEMODE of each Flat frame # If any frame on list missmatch the FILTER, then the master twflat will be aborted # EXPTIME do not need be the same, so EXPTIME scaling will be done f_expt = -1 f_type = '' f_filter = '' f_readmode = '' f_ncoadds = -1 f_instrument = 'Unknown' good_frames = [] for iframe in framelist: f = ClFits(iframe) f_instrument = f.getInstrument() log.debug("Checking data compatibility (filter, texp, type)") #log.debug("Flat frame '%s' - EXPTIME= %f TYPE= %s FILTER= %s" # %(iframe, f.expTime(), f.getType(), f.getFilter())) # Compute the mean count value in chip to find out good frames (good enough ??) mean = 0 myfits =, ignore_missing_end=True) if f.mef: log.debug("Found a MEF file") try: for i in range(1, + 1): mean += robust.r_nanmean(myfits[i].data) mean = float(mean / except Exception as e: log.error("Error computing MEAN of image") raise e # take into account cubes (they will be summed aritmetically) if len(myfits[1].data.shape) > 2: mean = mean * myfits[1].data.shape[0] log.debug("MEAN value of TwFlat (MEF) = %f", mean) else: myfits =, ignore_missing_end=True) mean = robust.r_nanmean(myfits[0].data) # take into account cubes (they will be summed aritmetically) if len(myfits[0].data.shape) > 2: mean = mean * myfits[0].data.shape[0] log.debug("MEAN value of Twflat (SEF) = %d", mean) myfits.close() if ( f_expt!=-1 and (f.getFilter()!=f_filter or f.getType()!=f_type or f.getReadMode() != f_readmode)): # The number of coadds can be different, because the sky flatfield # routine split the total exposure time by the max_integration_time value # See 'PANIC sky flatfield procedure' doc. by BD. #or f.getNcoadds() != f_ncoadds)): log.error("Task 'createMasterTwFlat' Found a FLAT frame with different FILTER or TYPE") raise Exception("Error, frame %s has different FILTER or TYPE" % (iframe)) #continue else: f_expt = f.expTime() f_filter = f.getFilter() f_readmode = f.getReadMode() f_ncoadds = f.getNcoadds() if f.isTwFlat(): f_type = f.getType() else: # Added (temporal) support for DOME_FLAT series (not lamp on/off) log.warning("Frame %s does not look like a TwiLight Flat field" %(iframe)) f_type = f.getType(False) #log.error("Error, frame %s does not look a TwiLight Flat field" %(iframe)) #raise Exception("Error, frame %s does not look a TwiLight Flat field" %(iframe)) # STEP 1.1: Check either over or under exposed frames, taking into account the NCOADDS! log.debug("Flat frame '%s' - FILTER=%s EXPTIME= %f TYPE= %s Mean= %f" %(iframe, f_filter, f_expt, f_type, mean)) if (mean / f_ncoadds) > self.m_lthr and (mean / f_ncoadds) < self.m_hthr: good_frames.append(iframe) else: log.error("Frame %s skipped, either over or under exposed" %(iframe)) if len(good_frames) >= self.m_MIN_N_GOOD:'Found %d flat frames with same filter [%s] and type:\n', len(good_frames), f_filter) for e in good_frames:"--->%s",e) else: log.error("Error, not enough good frames, exiting....") raise Exception("Error, not enough good flat frames") # Clobber existing output images iraf.clobber = 'yes' # STEP 2: We subtract a proper MASTER_DARK, it is required for TWILIGHT # FLATS because they might have diff EXPTIMEs # Prepare input list on IRAF string format log.debug("Start Dark subtraction") log.debug("Master Dark Model: %s" % self.__master_dark_model) log.debug("Master Dark list: %s" % self.__master_dark_list) # We have two option, use a DARK_MODEL or a MASTER_DARK for each skyflat (=TEXP) # 1- Try to read Master Dark Model use_dark_model = False if self.__master_dark_model: try: cdark = ClFits(self.__master_dark_model) if not cdark.isMasterDarkModel(): log.error("File %s does not look a MASTER_DARK_MODEL"%self.__master_dark_model) raise Exception("Cannot find the MASTER_DARK_MODEL to apply.") else: use_dark_model = True except Exception as e: log.error("Error reading MASTER_DARK_MODEL: %s" % self.__master_dark_model) log.error(str(e)) raise e elif self.__master_dark_list: # read TEXP of all master darks if (type(self.__master_dark_list) == type([]) and len(self.__master_dark_list) < 1 ): log.error("Not enough number of master darks found.") raise Exception("Not enough number of master darks found") t_darks = {} # Check if darks are cubes, then collapse them. darks_frames = collapse(self.__master_dark_list, out_dir=self.__temp_dir) for idark in darks_frames: try: cdark = ClFits(idark) if not cdark.isDark() and not cdark.isMasterDark(): log.error("File %s is neither a Dark nor a Master Dark."%idark) raise Exception("File %s is neither a Dark nor a Master Dark."%idark) #t_darks[round(cdark.expTime(), 1)] = idark t_darks[round(cdark.getItime(), 1), cdark.getNcoadds()] = idark log.debug("DARK - expTime=%f"%cdark.expTime()) except Exception as e: log.error("Error reading Master Dark: %s"%idark) raise Exception("Error reading Master Dark: %s"%idark) else: log.error("Cannot find any Master Dark") raise Exception("Cannot find any Master Dark") # Check MEF compatibility - TO FIX ! if not f.mef == cdark.mef: log.error("Type mismatch with MEF files. DARK and FLATs have different format") del cdark raise Exception("Type mismatch with MEF files") if f.mef: nExt = # number of extension else: nExt = 0 fileList = [] # STEP 2.2: Check if images are cubes, then collapse them. good_frames = collapse(good_frames, out_dir=self.__temp_dir) for iframe in good_frames: # Remove old dark subtracted flat frames my_frame = self.__temp_dir + "/" + os.path.basename(iframe.replace(".fits", "_D.fits")) removefiles(my_frame) log.debug("Looking for proper master dark (master dark model or simple master dark)") # Build master dark with proper (scaled) EXPTIME and subtract # (I don't know how good is this method of scaling !!!) f =, ignore_missing_end=True) i_flat = f[0].header['ITIME'] nc_flat = f[0].header['NCOADDS'] if nExt > 0: for i in range(1, nExt + 1): if use_dark_model: mdark ="Scaling MASTER_DARK_MODEL") scaled_dark = mdark[i].data[1] * f[0].header['EXPTIME'] + mdark[i].data[0] else: msg = "Looking for master DARK for FLAT with ITIME=%f, NCOADDS=%d"%(i_flat, nc_flat) # Get filename of the master dark to use try: #n_dark = t_darks[round(t_flat, 1)] n_dark = t_darks[round(i_flat, 1), nc_flat] except KeyError: msg = "Cannot find proper master DARK for FLAT with ITIME=%f, NCOADDS=%d"%(i_flat, nc_flat) log.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) mdark = scaled_dark = mdark[i].data"AVG(dark)=%s"%robust.mean(scaled_dark)) # At least, do the subtraction ! f[i].data = f[i].data - scaled_dark"Dark Subtraction done") # not a MEFs else: if use_dark_model:"Scaling MASTER_DARK_MODEL") mdark = scaled_dark = mdark[0].data[1] * f[0].header['EXPTIME'] + mdark[0].data[0] else: msg = "Using proper master DARK for FLAT with ITIME=%f, NCOADDS=%d"%(i_flat, nc_flat) try: n_dark = t_darks[round(i_flat, 1), nc_flat] except KeyError: msg = "Cannot find proper master DARK for FLAT with ITIME=%f, NCOADDS=%d"%(i_flat, nc_flat) log.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) mdark = scaled_dark = mdark[0].data"AVG(dark) = %s" % robust.r_nanmean(scaled_dark)) f[0].data = f[0].data - scaled_dark"Dark Subtraction done") # Write history if use_dark_model:"DARK_MODEL subtracted: %s" % self.__master_dark_model) f[0].header.add_history('DarkMod subtracted %s (scaled)' % os.path.basename(self.__master_dark_model)) else:"MASTER DARK subtracted: %s" % n_dark) f[0].header.add_history('Dark subtracted %s' % os.path.basename(n_dark)) mdark.close() # Write output to outframe (data object actually still points to input data) try: f.writeto(my_frame, output_verify='fix')#'ignore') log.debug("Writing %s"%my_frame) except IOError: raise ExError('Cannot write output to %s' % my_frame) f.close() fileList.append(my_frame) # STEP 3: Make the combine of dark subtracted Flat frames scaling by 'mode' # - Build the frame list for IRAF log.debug("Combining dark subtracted Twilight flat frames...") comb_flat_frame = (self.__temp_dir + "/comb_tw_flats.fits").replace("//","/") removefiles(comb_flat_frame) listToFile(fileList, self.__temp_dir + "/twflat_d.list") # - Call IRAF task # Combine the images to find out the Tw-Flat using sigma-clip algorithm; # the input images are scaled to have a common mode, the pixels containing # objects are rejected by an algorithm based on the measured noise (sigclip), # and the flat-field is obtained by a median. iraf.mscred.flatcombine(input=("'"+"@"+self.__temp_dir+"/twflat_d.list"+"'").replace('//','/'), output=comb_flat_frame, combine='median', ccdtype='', process='no', reject='sigclip', subset='no', scale='mode') #verbose='yes' #scale='exposure', #expname='EXPTIME' #ParList = _getparlistname ('flatcombine') #) log.debug("Dark subtracted Twilight flat frames COMBINED") # Remove the dark subtracted frames for ftr in fileList: removefiles(ftr) # STEP 3b (optional) # Median smooth the master flat if self.__median_smooth: log.debug("Doing Median smooth of FF ...") iraf.mscred.mscmedian( input=comb_flat_frame, output=comb_flat_frame.replace(".fits","_smooth.fits"), xwindow=20, ywindow=20, outtype="median" ) shutil.move(comb_flat_frame.replace(".fits","_smooth.fits"), comb_flat_frame) # Or using scipy (a bit slower than iraf...) # from scipy import ndimage # filtered = ndimage.gaussian_filter(f[0].data, 20) # STEP 4: Normalize the flat-field (if MEF, normalize wrt chip SG1) # Compute the mean of the image if self.__normal: f =, ignore_missing_end=True) if nExt > 0: ##chip = 1 # normalize wrt to mode of chip SG1_1 if f_instrument == 'panic': ext_name = 'SG1_1' try: f[ext_name].header except KeyError: ext_name = 'Q1' elif f_instrument == 'hawki': ext_name = 'CHIP2.INT1' else: ext_name = 1 naxis1 = f[ext_name].header['NAXIS1'] naxis2 = f[ext_name].header['NAXIS2'] offset1 = int(naxis1 * 0.1) offset2 = int(naxis2 * 0.1) median = robust.r_nanmedian(f[ext_name].data[offset2 : naxis2 - offset2, offset1 : naxis1 - offset1]) msg = "Normalization of MEF master flat frame wrt chip %s. (MEDIAN=%d)" % (ext_name, median) elif ('INSTRUME' in f[0].header and f[0].header['INSTRUME'].lower() == 'panic' and f[0].header['NAXIS1'] == 4096 and f[0].header['NAXIS2'] == 4096): if 'H2RG' in f[0].header['CAMERA']: # It supposed to have a full frame of PANIC in one single # extension (GEIRS default). Normalize wrt detector SG1_1 # Note that in Numpy, arrays are indexed as rows X columns (y, x), # contrary to FITS standard (NAXIS1=columns, NAXIS2=rows). median = robust.r_nanmedian(f[0].data[200 : 2048-200, 2048+200 : 4096-200 ]) msg = "Normalization of (full) PANIC master flat frame wrt chip 1. (MEDIAN=%d)" % median elif 'H4RG' in f[0].header['CAMERA']: # It supposed to have a full frame of PANIC-H4RG in one single # extension; Normalize wrt center of detector. median = robust.r_nanmedian(f[0].data[200 : 4096-200, 200 : 4096-200 ]) msg = "Normalization of (full-H4RG) PANIC master flat frame (MEDIAN=%d)" % median else: # Not MEF, not PANIC full-frame, but could be a PANIC subwindow naxis1 = f[0].header['NAXIS1'] naxis2 = f[0].header['NAXIS2'] offset1 = int(naxis1 * 0.1) offset2 = int(naxis2 * 0.1) median = robust.r_nanmedian(f[0].data[offset2 : naxis2 - offset2, offset1 : naxis1 - offset1]) msg = "Normalization of master (O2k?) flat frame. (MEDIAN=%d)" % median f.close() log.debug(msg) # Cleanup: Remove temporary files removefiles(self.__output_filename) # Compute normalized flat iraf.mscred.mscarith(operand1=comb_flat_frame, operand2=median, op='/', pixtype='real', result=self.__output_filename.replace("//","/"), ) else: shutil.move(comb_flat_frame, self.__output_filename) # Change back to the original working directory iraf.chdir() flatframe =, 'update', ignore_missing_end=True) if self.__normal: flatframe[0].header.add_history('Computed normalized master twilight flat') flatframe[0].header.add_history(msg) else: flatframe[0].header.add_history('Computed master (not normalized) twilight flat') # Combined files is already added by IRAF:imcombine #flatframe[0].header.add_history('Twilight files: %s' %good_frames) # Add new keywords (PAPITYPE, PAPIVERS, IMAGETYP) flatframe[0].header.set('PAPITYPE', 'MASTER_TW_FLAT', 'TYPE of PANIC Pipeline generated file') flatframe[0].header.set('PAPIVERS', __version__, 'PANIC Pipeline version') flatframe[0].header.set('IMAGETYP', 'MASTER_TW_FLAT', 'TYPE of PANIC Pipeline generated file') if 'PAT_NEXP' in flatframe[0].header: flatframe[0].header.set('PAT_NEXP', 1, 'Number of positions into the current dither pattern') flatframe.close(output_verify='ignore') # This ignore any FITS standar violation and allow write/update the FITS file log.debug('Saved master TW_FLAT to %s', self.__output_filename ) return self.__output_filename
################################################################################ # main
[docs]def main(arguments=None): # Get and check command-line options desc = """This module receives a series of Twilight Flats and and a Master Dark Model and then creates a Master Twilight Flat-Field. Note: Dome Flats series (not lamp ON/OFF) are also supported. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc) parser.add_argument("-s", "--source", action="store", dest="source_file_list", type=str, help="Source file list of data *Sky Flat* frames." " It can be a file or directory name.") parser.add_argument("-D", "--master_dark_model", type=str, action="store", dest="master_dark_model", help="Master dark model to subtract each raw flat" " (it will be scaled by TEXP)") parser.add_argument("-d", "--master_dark_list", type=str, action="store", dest="master_dark_list", help="List of Master darks to subtract each raw flat" " (they must have the same TEXP)") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, action="store", dest="output_filename", help="Final coadded output image") ## -optional parser.add_argument("-b", "--master_bpm", type=str, action="store", dest="master_bpm", help="Bad pixel mask to be used (optional)", default=None) parser.add_argument("-N", "--normalize", action="store_true", dest="normalize", default=False, help="Normalize master flat by median. If image is " "multi-detector, then normalization wrt chip 1 is done)" " [default=%(default)s]") parser.add_argument("-m", "--median_smooth", action="store_true", dest="median_smooth", default=False, help="Median smooth the combined flat-field [default=%(default)s]") parser.add_argument("-L", "--low", type=float, default=10000, action="store", dest="minlevel", help="Flats with median level bellow are rejected " "[default=%(default)s].") parser.add_argument("-H", "--high", type=float, default=40000, action="store", dest="maxlevel", help="Flats with median level above are rejected " "[default=%(default)s].") options = parser.parse_args() if len(sys.argv[1:]) < 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if not options.source_file_list or not options.output_filename: parser.print_help() parser.error("incorrect number of arguments.") if ((options.master_dark_model and options.master_dark_list) or (not options.master_dark_model and not options.master_dark_list)): parser.print_help() parser.error("incorrect number of arguments.") # Start proceduce filelist = [line.replace("\n", "") for line in fileinput.input(options.source_file_list)] if options.master_dark_list and os.path.exists(options.master_dark_list): dark_list = [line.replace("\n", "") for line in fileinput.input(options.master_dark_list)] else: dark_list = [] try: mTwFlat = MasterTwilightFlat(filelist, options.master_dark_model, dark_list, options.output_filename, options.minlevel, options.maxlevel, options.master_bpm, options.normalize, "/tmp", median_smooth=options.median_smooth) mTwFlat.createMaster() except Exception as ex: log.error("Unexpected error: %s", str(ex)) sys.exit(1)
###################################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())